Tag: <span>Score</span>

25 May

Top 5 Tips To Score Top Marks In Statistics Exams

Some subjects hold the unique distinction of being different from the usual ones. Accounting and statistics are good examples of such subjects. When a student looks at statistics for the first time, the terminology in itself is enough to confuse him/her and scare them away! However, by following a few tips and strategies, students can surely pull themselves together and master this intensely difficult subject and secure top marks! Here are a few top tips for students to achieve success in their statistics exams and score the coveted A grade.

Read through the given data and write down the essentials

When given a problem, students should read through it more than once and write down the essentials before attempting to solve it. This is a good practise not only when it comes to statistics but also for other subjects like math, accounting and physics. In fact, this is a popularly recommended practise by expert teachers in the subject. When students seek statistics homework help online, this is the very first thing that they are taught to do.

Be careful while reading from graphs and images

While reading from graphs, it is important to note down what the axes represent. This should be the first thing one must do when reading a graph and then go through the problem statement and write down what needs to be done. This is the key to working with graphs and images.

Don’t get confused with the terminology

It is often observed that students get confused between various terms such as mean, median, standard deviation and variance and so on. To tackle this problem, it is important that students understand what exactly these terms refer to and be able to identify them when working in a problem. This will solve half the troubles when it comes to performing in exams.

Understand how transformations in a data set affect the summary statistics

Apart from understanding the terminology used completely, learning how data manipulations and transformations affect the summary is quite important. For example, adding a number say x to each element in the data set affects the mean and median (they also increase by the number x). The standard deviation and variance are however unaffected by this. Understanding the reason behind this and learning such transformations can come in handy during exams. Most tutors take care to sensitize towards data manipulations and transformations while they seek statistics homework help or assignment help.

Understand the implications of the logarithmic transformations

Being able to understand log patterns and applying log transforms to numbers is quite helpful as the logarithm can be used to tone down the magnitude of the numbers and they thus become easier to work with. Similarly, understanding various patterns such as the theme explored in braces (when x and y are exponentially related, the scatter plot of the number x and log y will have a linear pattern) will help working with tough problems very easy.

Source by Sunil D. Kumar

18 May

ACT Exam: 3 Tips to Getting Your Best Score

Every parent and student that comes to me for advice on the ACT exam wants to know the same question; what are the easiest things I can do to quickly raise my ACT score? The question doesn’t come from laziness at all, but rather frustration. So many students put in long hours studying and don’t seem to get results.

Why Student’s Have Trouble Increasing Their ACT Score

The biggest problem that students face when trying to increase their ACT score is that they are doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. A focused plan makes all the difference. Otherwise, you may just be spinning your wheels and wasting time and energy.

You need to learn to quickly answer questions, manage the clock and know what to study.

Learn to Quickly Answer Questions

Simply retaking practice tests to “become a better test taker” isn’t going to do much more than get you comfortable with taking tests. That helps some, but not an enormous amount. There are specific test-taking skills that have to be learned, such guessing, saving time answering questions, how to read the Reading / Science passages and more.

Time Management is Key for the ACT Exam

Every student struggles to get all the questions answered in the time allotted. There are two time-management skills that help tremendously, and they do not merely include “go as fast as you can.” As a matter of fact, some students make the mistake of thinking that the “easy” questions are first, so they just hurry through them, costing valuable points.

Know What To Study for the ACT Exam

Knowing what NOT to study can be just as important as knowing what TO study to get a high score on the ACT exam. For instance, studying Trigonometry is not a good use of your time unless you are hoping to score above a 32. Memorizing the periodic table for the Science portion is also a big waste of time.

The key to a good score on the ACT exam is to be strategic and have a well thought out plan, dealing specifically with your strengths and weaknesses. This normally requires a study course that is designed to teach you “how” to take the test, as opposed to teaching you more of the same curriculum that is on the test.

Source by Mike Bius

10 Jul

5 Practical Steps To Improve Your ACT Science Score

There are two particular skills that you need to cultivate so that you can improve your ACT science score. Mainly, they are your 1) Reasoning skills, and 2) Analytical skills. You should be proficient when it comes to identifying data that are presented in graphs, tables and maps and in interpreting questions logically. If you are keen enough, you will find that most of the problems in the ACT Science test actually provide more information than what is necessary so that you can respond to the test items properly.

Contrary to what many students believe, your knowledge of Science branches such as Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science and Physics will not be tested directly in the Science section of the ACT. Not that you have to be well-versed with every Scientific concept that has been tackled in your high school classes as well. What you have to prioritize in order to improve your Science score are your abilities to reason accurately and solve certain problems using Scientific methods.

Your skills in Scientific reading comprehension will be challenged in the test. You need to be meticulous in analyzing and drawing conclusions from graphs, charts, tables and experimental processes. But you don’t have to fret because the passages in the Science test contain all the information that you need. Here are some tips to help you boost your score in the ACT Science test:

Helpful Tips To Boost Your ACT Science Score

  • Familiarize yourself with the types of questions and passages found in the test. There are 3 types of passages that are featured in the ACT Science test: 1) Conflicting Viewpoints (7 questions); 2) Research Summaries (6 questions), and 3) Data Representation (5 questions). These passages may be presented in a different order, but usually, test -takers are bound to encounter 3 five question sections, along with 3 six question sections and a single section that is comprised of 7 questions in the test.
  • Keep your calm when taking the test. Don’t worry so much if you haven’t brushed up on each and every Science concept taught in your school. You actually don’t need to memorize them in the ACT Science test. Remember to primarily hone your abilities in interpreting and analyzing Scientific problems, and you’ll do fine.
  • Learn proper time management. Note that you have to deal with 7 passages and 40 questions in the Science section in 35 minutes. Time element is thus your biggest hurdle. It also means that you have to be quick in answering the questions if you want to finish the section on time. Be systematic and refrain from lingering on a certain passage. Be quick in your reading by extracting the main points and analyzing figures. Take note of the difficult questions and leave them for the time being as you answer the easier ones. Get back to these tricky items when you have remaining time.
  • Cultivate your test-taking skills by taking practice tests. A reliable way of improving your ACT Science test score is to take real Science tests and solve real Science problems. Just like the actual ACT test scenario, time yourself when taking ACT Science practice tests. At the end of this task, analyze your erroneous answers and decipher why you got them wrong.
  • Ask for the help of a tutor, mentor or your fellow test-takers. You can self-study for the Science section of the ACT test, but getting help from someone who has more authority on the subject or your peers can make a big difference for you to improve your ACT Science score.

Source by Winnie Custodio