Tag: <span>science</span>

07 Nov

The Relationship Between Science, Technology, and Society

Science and technology is the best thing society could ever ask for. Since the industrial revolution in the 18th century science has been in progress. Some sectors that have been boosted by science and technology are energy, physical sciences, information and communication. The society has greatly gained with the invention of technology.

Infrastructure in the society has grown with the help of science and technology. Modes of transport like electronic railway lines were realized and these actually benefited the society by offering them a better means of transport. In the past, almost everything was analog but thanks to the science and technology we are now being digitalized by the day. The invention of the telephone and radio services has broadened human communication.

Without society then there would be no science and technology and that is why the invention of certain tools and equipment have helped achieve big things. Society can not do without the industries we have today. The society needs science and technology. The creation of computers is work of art by individuals was a milestone that would come a long way in helping the society. A computer helps us to leverage ourselves by gaining valuable information that we can use to enrich our lives. The impact of science and technology can seriously be recognized. Many people around the world take for example scholars in colleges and universities have taken the lead examining the relationship between science and technology.

The evaluation of this relationship has emerged as an important area of research. Public interest groups and academic organizations throughout the world are recognizing the importance of STS. The reason is that people need to recognize that there are people who are affected by the science and technology. Controversies such as modified foods, stem cell research are the issues that have brought policy makers and scientists together to have a way forward on this.

Science and technology has actually largely contributed to the vision of man about himself. Science has been modified the opinion about the origin of man and place of origin too. Through the results of scientific discoveries the perception of man about his behavior and his place of origin has been modified diversly. Experiments in science today are in one way or another affecting the society.Take for example the experiment on cloning a human being. The experiment brought a lot of controversy since the society was skeptical about it.

How is science and technology related to society: The developing world has a long tradition of participatory action research, popular education and community organization joining up to solve some science and technology issues that affect the society. How is science and technology related to the society is something that is calling even for the government intervention. Science and technology related issues are actually been discussed worldwide today. Progress in this has resulted to the ability to produce diverse types of material items. Answering the question how science and technology is related to society.

Source by Danish Muzaffar

17 Oct

Language – The Core of Science

We live in a world of science, the most profound force changing our lives. Language is closely linked to the intelligence of mankind. It is employed to explain and convey science, with scientific writings being records of sciences. Language itself is considered no science. However, in my recent article “independence of written language from the non-textual world” we noted that the texts are part of science. We mentioned the world can be re-explained. Now, let’s start re-explaining the world from discussing “writing as part of science”. Herein, as always, we consider written language the essential form of language.

Principle of investigation

We treat texts as independent visual information, capable of forming part of science, instead of as representations of science.

We consider science as collections of sensory information, mostly what we see. Science is divided into textual portion and non-textual (visual and non-visual) portion. Investigations are carried out on the characteristics of the information, and the effect and contribution of the information on the senses and the mind. We examine the properties of texts and reading to know what roles texts play in science.

Common properties of science and written language

Being an infinite empire, sciences have a few key properties. We can see many commonalities between the key properties of written language and science. Below list some of them. These qualities are not possessed by non-texts, at least not so genuinely. That suggests texts lie in the heart of science. They give science its core properties; and laid the foundation for all sciences.

1. Sequential: Sequential texts permit cause-result reasoning. They also form procedures. Scientific methods emphasize procedure, in which things are conducted step by step.

2. Clarity: This makes us “see things” more clearly. Even though phenomena themselves are not clear, the texts describing them are fit for seeing. Because of this, science possesses the power of diving into the details and “invisible parts” of things. Researchers strived to see things clearly, e.g. with microscopes and telescopes. What they are doing in fact, is to generate visual information visible to their eyes.

3. Compactness and simplicity: Scientists always strive to make simple descriptions of knowledge. Breaking down complex things into simpler elements is a key spirit of science, as repeated experimental observations can be codified into combination of symbols.

4. Organized and systematic: Because of textual arrangements, science becomes organized and systematic.

5. Rigor: There are established rules for the formation of words, sentences, paragraphs and books. That contributes to the rigor of science.

6. Cumulative and branched: New theories are usually based on or derived from existing theories. Accumulation occurs by means of citing, modifying, editing, and expanding existing scientific writings. Accumulation of the sciences also necessitates divisions into various disciplines and branches, which are laid out by texts.

7. Integrated and interconnected: Due to the symbolic connections and organizations in texts, the infinite growth of sciences doesn’t result in disarray since they have texts to center on. Sciences are glued together with relations between them established. Interdisciplinary fields are also developed in between.

8. Stable and memorizable: Due to simplicity, clarity and sequential properties, writings remain stable during the accumulation process. Existing sciences are unchanged when new phenomena emerge. During expansion, sciences need to be memorized for use, which is facilitated by texts.

9. Predictive: Associations between non-texts and texts are somewhat arbitrary, variable and expandable. A literate mind is equipped with texts to analyze new phenomena and make new associations. In this way, science is said to predict the future.

10. Representational and explanatory: Science represents things and explains why things are and how things work. The most useful for explaining are the texts, figures, diagrams, books, and papers. For complex scientific thinking, literates are not sure until they can explain their thoughts in texts. The explanatory nature of language and writing might have been overlooked.

Texts: the foundation of a scientific mind

Scientific publications describe theories and findings. The descriptions form the centerpiece of scientific thought. Scientific texts organize; empower our mind to work out solutions. When we think about solutions, we imagine the symbols, lines, curves, and shapes, to depict what we study [1]. Scientific thinking takes effect via reasoning on the texts [2], by means of fixating, contradicting, moving, searching, comparing, organizing, etc. Without texts, we cannot truly understand science. We read them to learn science. They inject science into our minds, where it takes effect.

During research, scientists read extensively. During and after the reading, they actually are performing scientific thinking based on texts. Scientists write to create science. They publish to spread science.

This notion can obviously be applied to science and technology in a broad sense. Social sciences, applied sciences, technology, engineering, and so forth all bear the very essence of science: text-centered. The qualities of texts and reading also have to do with almost all other fields, such as law and history. The endless expansion of texts has commonized the mental forms of many seemingly unrelated disciplines, all of which share text-based scientific properties. People’s daily life is filled with texts. Even though many of the texts are not science oriented, they enrich people’s minds with scientific qualities.

Texts and non-texts in science

The texts have association with non-texts to form the whole of science. Non-texts are the purposes, resources, material and occurrences of science. Sciences are defined and categorized according to the characteristics of non-texts. Usually, the textual core is not the goal, but the means. Via connection with the textual mind, non-textual goals are achieved. The overwhelming non-texts could even undermine texts’ visibility and realness, not to mention its central status in science. Indeed, what we are proposing is not to reject the dominance of non-texts as sensory information, but that such dominant information becomes scientific due to their association with texts.

Many words have multiple meanings in diverse disciplines, for science and non-science. We need to read sentences and paragraphs to know the exact meaning. Reversely, a theory might be described in numerous ways. The texts look casual, subjective, and variable, contradicting the formal, objective and fixed properties of science. In fact, there is no conflict. Such properties are reached by individual minds’ processing of enormous texts originating from visual encounters.


Science encompasses an extremely vast collection of information, textual and non-textual. Texts’ visual features and the characteristics of reading reflect key properties of science, suggesting scientific writings are the central part of science. The texts provide people with the visual information to study, remember, process, and search, building a scientific foundation in the mind.

Two years ago, I had discussed the significance of the textual mind, which supports science. Now, we go a step further to consider texts as the core of the powerful sciences, incorporating the texts into science. That can form a new basis for analysis of the science or text-related world.

[1] Diagrams, figures are contained in scientific texts to assist describing. They are additions to symbolic dimension of texts. Still, letters and words are usually part of formula and embedded into diagrams and figures.

[2] In literate minds, texts are activated when we analyze non-textual objects. New texts, even new theories can be produced this way. The literates might not know the underlying force come from the texts in mind.

Source by Charley Pein

08 Oct

The Mathematical Colours of Human Survival Technology

The Romantic Era of the Arts from the mid 18th Century to the mid 19th Century was inspired by the ideals of a lost ethical ancient science. Its leaders were concerned that humans had deviated into being governed by a lifeless mechanistic culture. The philosopher of science Wolfgang von Goethe considered that Isaac Newton had betrayed the science of colour to reduce all to a black and white mechanistic reality. Goethe’s linguistic colour perception theories were revived in 2012 as a book of the year ‘Through the Language Glass’, written by the linguist-physicist Guy Deutscher. However, few people are aware that in fact, Isaac Newton actually refuted the idea that the mechanical theory of the universe was complete and that like the Romanticists, he had derived this opinion from the same lost ethical science.

The work of other poets and artists during the Romantic Era that had attacked Newton for having a science derived from a clockwork description of a mechanical universe has now been linked to important DNA discoveries and the issue has become a crucial human survival one. It is an outstanding achievement that in 2017 the World Fund for Arts in Russia has taken upon itself to rejuvenate the Science-Art ethos belonging to the Romantic Era of yesteryear.

Newton’s mathematical genius supported a more profound description of the universe than that of a lifeless mechanistic cosmos. Science, economics and religion approved of the mechanistic model, the basis from which a false quantum mechanics was derived by teaching that Newton’s world-view was mechanical. Both political and commercial science, together with religious persuasion gained control of our unbalanced modern science. Along with the scientists, religious institutions were in denial that the living process evolved to infinity, evoking religious laws to enforce their opinions. The lost ancient ethical science could not come into its own until the time for knowledge about living human DNA arrived. It is now possible for quantum mechanics to be made complete by researching its entanglement with the science of quantum biology.

Arthur C Clark’s television documentary ‘The Colours of Infinity’ was about Benoit Mandelbrot’s discovery of infinite fractal mathematics. Within the documentary a comment was made that the evolution of civilisation was not included in the purpose of an infinite universe. The reason for that is because prevailing science is governed by the ‘Universal Heat Death Law’, which states that all the heat of the universe is going to radiate away into cold space and eventually all life in the universe must become extinct.

History’s most famous mathematician, Georg Cantor was also history’s most despised mathematician for daring to challenge the global scientific death cult. His declaration that a dysfunctional fear of infinity had infected the minds of modern age scientists created an international scientific and religious furore. World famous mathematicians, strongly objecting to such a pronouncement, joined together to savagely condemn his concept that the life force process could be evolving toward infinity. Influential religious leaders were enraged that Cantor’s mathematical conviction overturned their stubborn insistence that only a Supreme Deity could permit any access to infinity. The religious leaders, with differing Gods, were all willing to fight to the death as soldiers bravely upholding their sacred responsibility to protect their participation within the global death cult.

The NASA High Energy Project has published a paper by the Science Advisor to the Belgrade Institute of Physics, Petar Grujic, showing that ancient Greek mathematics incorporated aspects of infinite fractal logic. From the jumble of old mathematical ideas an ethical atomic political science emerged to guide democratic ideals, vaguely referring to the evolution of an infinite moral wisdom. This proposed science was designed to guide an ennobling form of government so the civilisation could become part of an ethical universal purpose. Such a science was held necessary to avoid the extinctions belonging to the giant fossilised remains of previous life-forms that had not survived their tooth and claw arms race. In Plato’s Republic, the ancient atomic theories had advanced to the stage where Platonists defined ‘Evil’ as a destructive property within the atom, which could emerge to destroy civilisation. Therefore, the lost pagan atomic political science warrants our immediate attention. We need to balance the destructive aspect of atomic mathematical emotion with the atomic mathematics of what the ancient Greeks called virtuous mathematical emotions.

The Greek mathematics governing ethical atomic evolution posited the idea that the 28-day cycle of moon movement influenced the development of the female fertility cycle. It held that harmonic vibrations emanating from the moon resonated with the atoms of a mother’s spirit to explain her ethical love and compassion for children. Ancient Indian mathematical logic was not so vague about the concept of a living infinite mathematical reality. Sanskrit mathematics, developed before the Greek political atomic science came into existence, alluded to a future technology to be derived from the mathematics of infinity. However, today the prevailing thermodynamic heat death culture prevents adequate investigation into the development of such a technology.

The harmonious Greek mathematical process belonged to the ‘Music of the Spheres’, which the scientist Johannes Kepler used to make his famous astrological discoveries. Enough scientific discoveries have since followed to prove that the thermodynamic heat death cult information, governing every aspect of our ensured path to extinction, is quite simply a nonsense concept. During the 1980s Australian researchers proved this is to be an absurd situation.

In 1979 China’s most highly awarded physicist Kun Huang, gave Australian Science-Art researchers the methodology to measure the life-force governing seashell growth and development. They proved that our extinction law is what the mathematician Cantor said it was, a neurological malfunction within the scientific mindset.

Seashell life forms have existed for 50 million years and have not become extinct. In Australia the ancient Greek infinite mathematics was programmed into a computer to generate seashell evolutionary simulations over a 50 million year period. The computer simulations matched perfectly with the mathematical language written within the seashell fossil record. The dysfunctional mathematics upholding our thermodynamic death culture can only generate distorted or carcinogenic futuristic seashell simulations. Therefore, the law governing healthy seashell evolution toward infinity belonged to the mathematical messages coming from the living creature within the seashell.

In 1990 the world’s largest technological institute IEEE, based in Washington, placed the discovery alongside such names as Louis Pasteur and Francis Crick. However, eminent scientists locked into their association with the Australian Government’s thermodynamic culture became extremely hostile when confronted with this simple factual observation.

The hostility toward the prediction that the seashell research was socially important had begun in 1979, following the Commonwealth Science Unit of Australian National Television in that year documenting the seashell research background into its internationally screened series, The Scientists – Profiles of Discovery. Scientists and Government Art Administrators joined forces in 1986 to attack the validly of the seashell discoveries published by Italy’s leading scientific journal, Il Nuovo Cimento, during the 1980s. Later in 2009 they abruptly ceased their constant deprecation of the Science-Art research when it was awarded a Gold Medal Laureate by an Academy of Science in London.

The Science-Art theories of the molecular biologist, Sir C P Snow, delivered at the 1959 Rede Lecture at Cambridge University and the ‘Letter to Science’ in 1974 written by the Nobel Laureate cancer researcher, Szent Gyorgyi, had one thing in common. They both argued that the existing obsolete thermodynamic scientific culture belonged to the primitive mindset of our Neolithic ancestors.

The extreme difference between ethical and non-ethical mathematical emotional language is now very obvious. Poker machine mathematics, accompanied by sound and colour vibrations, can create a strong emotional compulsion to enter into states of financial and moral bankruptcy. Plutocratic governments (government by the wealthy), wage constant unethical poker-machine-like warfare against each other. They employ this deceitful mathematical-artistic phenomenon, forming alliances to maintain global power, for the militant protection of the people (Szent-Gyorgi’s ‘Crazy Ape’ tribe) that they represent.

The accompanying disregard to damage suffered by their constant creation of bankruptcy victims, simply echoes the harsh reality of the seeming naturally occurring law of the survival of the fittest paradigm. The salient point to be made however, is that to the ancient Greek science, the poker-machine mentality was correctly predicted to be based upon false emotional illusions.

In 2010 the fusing of the controversial Australian research with quantum biological cancer research in partnership with Quantum Art International was important. It resulted in the discovery of the antidote to the global epidemic of dysfunctional illusory scientific information transmitted by the mass production of communication and information devices.

The primary evidence as to the technological potential of the antidote contained an important visual proof. Unlike the poker machine designed to employ colour vibrations to control the mind the antidote reverses the process resulting in the mind controlling the colours in a painting. The electromagnetic emotional field bringing about this phenomenon can now be visually demonstrated.

In 2016 their presentation of the antidote theory together with relevant artwork at the International Contemporary Arts Competition in Russia, under the auspices of the World Fund for Arts, won a first prize. In 2017 the President of the World Arts Fund appointed the Founder of Quantum Art International to assist establish a Science-Art Research Project for the betterment of the global human condition.

The above mentioned ‘Evil’ within Plato’s ethical atomic political science can now be considered as a form of a neurological cancer threatening global civilisation. It can be reasoned that the antidote can best be introduced by a powerful military complex employing what is referred to as a soft military diplomacy, a sharing of mutual beneficial information technologies with other nations. From the DNA perspective that humans can be considered to belong to one race this diplomacy could overcome fanatical violent religious persuasions. From the DNA viewpoint, humans attacking humans is obviously a nonproductive neurological form of cancer. By simply programming the dysfunctional world-view’s entanglement with the antidote information the survival blueprint simulations can be generated for humans rather than for seashell life forms.

To summarise, Sir Isaac Newton most certainly did not believe that the mechanical description of the universe was complete. In his 28th Query Discussions he published, under the threat of being burnt alive by the Church for his statement: that those who thought that gravitational force was caused by the mass of objects in space were pretentious and illogical. He actually stated that the more authoritative scientific understanding of the matter came from the ancient Greek science. The discoveries of the great scholars of the artistic Golden Era of Romanticism had also derived their ethics from that same lost ancient science.

The social significance of all the above was dramatized by the Australian Science-Art author/artist Chris Degenhardt in his book “Democracy on Trial – The verdict” published in 2002. From the perspective of DNA discoveries made since that time he published a retrial involving new evidence exonerating Sir Isaac Newton from Wolfgang Von Goethe’s charge that Newton had destroyed the science of emotional colour perception. In 2017, the Retrial edition of the above book was published under the auspices of Feedaread Publishing, in association with Amazon Books.

Source by Robert Pope

17 Sep

Best Place to Learn Data Science in Canada

Data Science is the Future.

The internet has almost single-handedly changed the lives of every person around the world. This paradigm shift has made data the most important aspect of our lives. No one can imagine getting through a single day without using data. Some economists have even stipulated data as the fuel of the future.

Since data has become one of the most important assets of the modern world, it should come as no surprise that data science is a career with great potential for the future. There is a high demand for its courses now, and achieving a certain level of finesse can exponentially boost your career opportunities.

Data Science Canada is one of the Best Choices.

If you are one of the people aiming to make it your area of expertise for the future, then there are limitless opportunities right now. Several organizations and institutes offer both physical and online classes. The number of online classes might be too high for you to choose from. In the past couple of years, it has gained quite a bit of popularity, resulting in many places that offer decent its courses in Canada.

Since there are many choices when it comes to learning the courses, you must choose the best one. Data science involves a lot of basic coding using the languages you are most comfortable with, so it becomes almost impossible to differentiate between courses and advanced coding lessons. Try to check if your course is progressing towards machine learning as it has now become an important part of data science.

Toronto is Developing more Courses.

There is a high demand for such courses all over the globe right now, so most of the places are developing excellent courses for interested students. Data science is practically a new field, so the course is being updated every day, and the understanding of the field is evolving with time. So, unlike other courses, there cannot be a simple template for the lessons followed by the other institutes. Every place that offers a course has to be always technologically capable of incorporating the advancements required for the course.

Toronto has been making quite a few developments when it comes to lessons for data science. The infrastructure in various institutes has been greatly improved to offer a technologically advanced place for the training.

Aspects of Data Science

The field is much wider than it sounds, so there are different aspects of it you will need to master to achieve some expertise in the field. Every place where a the course is offered, some of the most popular aspects are machine learning, SQL, and artificial intelligence, among many others. So it is clear that there are many concepts you will need to familiarize yourself with if you want to progress with it as a career. These are not optional but necessary as it deals with all the relevant information you can extract from unstructured data using mathematical and statistical techniques.

Source by Shalini M

08 Sep

The Scientific Method in Geology

Our scientists and researchers have been contributing to the enhancement of knowledge. The description of knowledge is known as science. The interpretation of knowledge is the philosophy. Research is meant for the advancement of our knowledge.

There are several problems in various fields. For instance, there are several explanations given by various scientists about the origin of the universe. Hubble could explain the expansion of the universe through his popular law, which is known as the Hubble’s law. According to it, the universe has been expanding and its age is about 13 billion years. He calculated the age of the universe by using his own equation, which states that the recessional velocity of galaxies from the planet earth is directly proportional to the distance from the earth. But according to some other scientists, the age of the universe is more than 13 billion years and is about 15 billion years. Thus there is a controversy about the age as well as the expansion or contraction of the universe!.

The scientific method does involve five steps. Identification of the problem or questioning is the first step. For instance, one can ask a question such as the origin of magma in the crustal region of the earth. The crustal region does not contain the temperatures required for the origin of the magma!. The second step is the collection of data or laboratory tests or measurements or experimentation. Based on the laboratory investigations, explanation or hypothesis can be done. The required temperatures for magma generation in the crustal region were due to the plate movements and also the subduction zones, according to some explanations. But still research has been going on in several countries of the world to explain the phenomenon.

Thus the hypothesis or explanations will be tested. They can either be rejected or accepted. If they are rejected, further investigations will be done. If an explanation is accepted, it will become a theory. Plate tectonics theory is an example of an accepted hypothesis or explanation. Nebular hypothesis theory is an another example. The accepted theories will be further tested and if they are accepted, they will become the laws. Gravitational law, laws of motion, thermodynamics laws, etc are the examples for the accepted theories.

The Scientists could also explain the variation of colours of same species of fossils at different locations. Collection of samples and heating in the laboratory could give the answer. If fossils are buried for millions of years, their colour would change due to changes in temperature and pressure conditions!.

Source by Tirumala Prasad

09 Aug

How Turmeric Is Measuring Up In Western Science

For over 5000 years there is a history of turmeric being a big part of healing among some of the most respected alternative medicine leaders in the world. Not easily convinced, the scientific community of the educated western world deny real time trial, error and testimonial and these are not evidential enough so they have to put it under the microscope and perform a multitude of clinical trials and studies to be fully convinced.

Since the mid 19th century turmeric studies began and have come a very long way since. Breakthroughs in the 20th century have lead to some exciting revelations from this plant as they have progressed into chemical breakdowns and identifying the agents turmeric has, and which agents have all the benefits for your health.

In a comparison not only has western science validated turmeric for its use from ancient cultures they have discovered it helps to combat many of the pandemic type conditions the world faces today. There is confirmed study literature for the curcumin compound holding the phyto chemical called cucuminoids to assist and treat conditions like:

  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Obesity
  • Heart Disease and more.

From this information being constantly released natural health scientist are continually researching and developing new and better ways to put it to better use.

One of the biggest objectives earlier on was the poor absorbance and this was cause to discard turmeric as the wonder spice it is today. It was found that to reap the rewards effectively we need a catalyst with turmeric to be absorbed into the blood stream. The simplest and most common catalyst found to achieve this as the chemical agent piperine which is found in black pepper.

Curcumin is found in the root of turmeric and in the leafy part of the plant has been found to contain a chemical agent called carotenoids. These carotenoids are also found in the human retina making the extract from turmeric being good for your eye health and to assist with conditions relating to eye macular degeneration.

The latest extensive study around the wonders from turmeric are relating to alziemers disease. Although still very early turmeric is proving to have neuro regenerative properties and I am following these studies with great anticipation.

I believe we are still in the very early stages into the full potential and revelation that can be achieved from this all natural root. The science led supplements have made many developments already, offering some exciting alternatives in medicine.

Source by Robert Lees

19 Jul

Data Science Course – Learn From Skilled Professionals and Master the Art of Data Science

Data Science is a fast-evolving technology field that offers numerous benefits for businesses and organizations. The storage and processing of data are the two main challenges faced by organizations. To overcome these challenges, the field of data science was originated.

It is a mixture of several algorithms and visualization tools that can be used to derive meaningful insights from unprocessed data. The main agenda is to discover hidden patterns in raw data.

The processing is done by professional data scientists analyzing from different perspectives and using machine learning algorithms to derive conclusions. To become a highly skilled data scientist, the data science course Africa is considered the best option to gain a deep insight.

Why is Data Science Needed?

In today’s world, data is available everywhere abundantly. Efficient frameworks have also been evolved to store abundant data and use it whenever needed. But the storage of abundant data has led to data explosion. Therefore, the storage alone does not bring in benefits. It’s the processing that matters.

Since abundant data is available, the team can use several tools and algorithms to develop the desired results for the organization.

For example, if a particular organization decides to host a survey to collect user feedback about a particular product, a large amount of data will be collected and stored. This large amount of data can be processed and analyzed using different techniques provided by data science. Using this technique, meaningful conclusions can be generated, and the organization can improve the product.

To master the art, a data science course in Cape Town is extremely beneficial as you can get hands-on experience that is essential for your career.

Essential Skills to Acquire for the Role of Data Scientist:

The field is boundless with a wide range of concepts and principles. This field consists of numerous applications as it is the future of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Therefore, there is a huge need for skilled data scientists and professionals who are aware of the importance of this field.

Given below are some skills to be mastered to excel in this field.

  • Master your Basics: As beginners, it is extremely important to learn the basics. Without basic knowledge about the field, practical implementation would be difficult.
  • Sharpen your Programming Skills: Programming is yet another important skill to acquire to apply the different techniques effectively. R and Python are the most popular languages used in data science.
  • Statistical Skills: To derive meaningful insights from raw data and to build models, statistics is important. Basic knowledge of concepts like mean, median, mode, variance, normal distribution, etc., is mandatory.

In addition to the above-mentioned skills, there are many other domains to master to become a skilled data scientist. However, it is not mandatory to master all the domains. One should be an expert in at least one of the domains.

Source by Shalini M

10 Jul

5 Practical Steps To Improve Your ACT Science Score

There are two particular skills that you need to cultivate so that you can improve your ACT science score. Mainly, they are your 1) Reasoning skills, and 2) Analytical skills. You should be proficient when it comes to identifying data that are presented in graphs, tables and maps and in interpreting questions logically. If you are keen enough, you will find that most of the problems in the ACT Science test actually provide more information than what is necessary so that you can respond to the test items properly.

Contrary to what many students believe, your knowledge of Science branches such as Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science and Physics will not be tested directly in the Science section of the ACT. Not that you have to be well-versed with every Scientific concept that has been tackled in your high school classes as well. What you have to prioritize in order to improve your Science score are your abilities to reason accurately and solve certain problems using Scientific methods.

Your skills in Scientific reading comprehension will be challenged in the test. You need to be meticulous in analyzing and drawing conclusions from graphs, charts, tables and experimental processes. But you don’t have to fret because the passages in the Science test contain all the information that you need. Here are some tips to help you boost your score in the ACT Science test:

Helpful Tips To Boost Your ACT Science Score

  • Familiarize yourself with the types of questions and passages found in the test. There are 3 types of passages that are featured in the ACT Science test: 1) Conflicting Viewpoints (7 questions); 2) Research Summaries (6 questions), and 3) Data Representation (5 questions). These passages may be presented in a different order, but usually, test -takers are bound to encounter 3 five question sections, along with 3 six question sections and a single section that is comprised of 7 questions in the test.
  • Keep your calm when taking the test. Don’t worry so much if you haven’t brushed up on each and every Science concept taught in your school. You actually don’t need to memorize them in the ACT Science test. Remember to primarily hone your abilities in interpreting and analyzing Scientific problems, and you’ll do fine.
  • Learn proper time management. Note that you have to deal with 7 passages and 40 questions in the Science section in 35 minutes. Time element is thus your biggest hurdle. It also means that you have to be quick in answering the questions if you want to finish the section on time. Be systematic and refrain from lingering on a certain passage. Be quick in your reading by extracting the main points and analyzing figures. Take note of the difficult questions and leave them for the time being as you answer the easier ones. Get back to these tricky items when you have remaining time.
  • Cultivate your test-taking skills by taking practice tests. A reliable way of improving your ACT Science test score is to take real Science tests and solve real Science problems. Just like the actual ACT test scenario, time yourself when taking ACT Science practice tests. At the end of this task, analyze your erroneous answers and decipher why you got them wrong.
  • Ask for the help of a tutor, mentor or your fellow test-takers. You can self-study for the Science section of the ACT test, but getting help from someone who has more authority on the subject or your peers can make a big difference for you to improve your ACT Science score.

Source by Winnie Custodio