Tag: <span>Importance</span>

24 Mar

Why Part Time Work Culture Is Gaining Importance in Today’s Corporate World?

As Unemployment is gaining pace the trend is moving towards flexi time jobs. Every person wants stable income and job security whether they belong to senior level management or executives.

Last decade proved that there has been an increase in number of qualified individual in developing countries, job availability is less as compared to rising professionals that India Education system pours out. Even the person in job role is unable to gain increment and timely promotions, which has created job dissatisfaction and high attrition rate among the companies.

To compensate the decline in viable job, companies are shifting to part-time or Flexi Jobs. This has increased demand of part-time work culture. Work from home jobs, internship, freelancer, jobs for retired professionals, jobs for housewives, jobs for students, jobs for on a break professionals, jobs for salaried professionals, etc has gained momentum in past few years in India.

Advantage for employers

Part time work culture reduces the cost of hiring for employers;

They have time to judge the candidate on basis of their performance on projects;

They can hire several part timers for same projects at low-cost;

No infrastructure cost required as most of the part timers work from home;

Reduction in overall fixed expenses.

Advantage for Flexi Timers

Part timers can work on multiple projects at a time;

They can work for part-time along with their full-time projects;

It work helps them to gain extra income;

It decreases travelling expenses.

There are number of web portal which helps to find Genuine jobs, some are as listed below.








Mykindofjob is India’s leading online flexitime workplace. This is site where corporate and the jobseekers are on single platform. It has helped number part timers, freelancers, interns, on a break, salaried professionals, retired professionals to get projects based on their skills.

As a jobseeker you have to just create your profile update your details which include personal data, events organised, extra curricular activities, projects submitted, qualification, recommendations, this will help employers to know about you and your suitability for the projects, you can also volunteer for csr programmes.

As an employer, you need to create profile, where you can do job posting on regular basis, promote events, hire volunteer for csr program, you can drop e visiting card.

You can register on these sites and can hire and get hired for work from home, internship, freelance projects.

Source by Rakesh Roy

28 Oct

The Importance of Education in Today’s Society

So, do you believe that EDUCATION is absolutely necessary in today’s society? Does being educated make a significant difference in someone’s life?

Education is the process of learning and acquiring knowledge at school from a teacher, receiving knowledge at home from a parent, a family member, and even an acquaintance. Education is a key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, and succeed in life. Education is one factor that affects job positions people hold, advance in their further career, the income they make, and the title they hold. The more educated a person is, the more prestige and power that person holds.

However, unfortunately we have places in the world, where not everyone has an opportunity or chance to receive formal education. India is amongst the countries, where there is a high population of people who are illiterate. Almost, 55% of the population in India is illiterate. Partly, because most of the country resides in villages and not in cities, where education is more prevalent. Most of the people living in villages spend majority of their time in cultivating crops and harvesting their fields and don’t find it necessary to be educated in order to harvest their fields or to do household chores. The girls living in villages marry at a young age and later get busy with family and doing household chores. According to Indian belief, girls commonly get married at an early age and are advised to stay home and take care of the household instead of studying or working. That’s the reason why lot of parents in India are worried about getting their daughter married rather than her education. I can give you an example in my own life. When I was in India I wanted to get further education and fulfill my dream. On contrary to what society thinks, I wanted to pursue my career in the health care field to serve my own community. The support from my family, especially my grandfather, gave me the strength to keep my dream alive. I was 18 years old when we moved to the United States, and the transition to a country that is different culturally, academically, and politically was not easy. I did not know what I could do with my life when I came to the States. The transition was difficult for my parents as well. The need for finding a business, concern about my sibling’s education and me and adjusting in a new environment was definitely challenging. After doing most of college in India, it was hard for me to start over my college education. My dad’s brother, who is a physician, inspired me to keep my dream alive to pursue a career in medicine. I started my education at the community college, where I struggled with most of my classes in the first year as the educational system was different than the one I was used to. I joined clubs and other organizations at the college to know more about the medical careers. I got the knowledge that I required for pursuing a career in medicine but still, I had never experienced how things are in the real world of medicine. I have done everything that I could to help me fulfill my dream. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician and I enjoy working in the allied health field.

I think being educated is the most important thing not only for success in one’s life, but the better educated population plays an important role in making a nation more successful and well rounded. Receiving formal education is vital, but to achieve success in life, informal education is essential. One can learn English, History, Math, Science in school, and be “book-smart”. Furthermore, one can learn how to live life by knowing what to say when, acting a certain way in specific situation, and be “street-smart”. You can have all the “book” knowledge in the world about a certain profession, but if you don’t know how to behave with your colleagues and your superiors than having “book” knowledge won’t take you too far. For example, if you are a Physician by profession, you have all the knowledge about the world of medicine and know much about health care, but if you do not have bed side manners and don’t interact well with your patients, co-workers, and the team, than what’s the point of having all “book” knowledge. To achieve success in life and reaching a point in life where people respect you for what you are is what makes a difference, because at that point you excel in both formal and informal education. Education is very important and no one should be deprived of it.

“No nation can leave its security only to the Police and the Army, to a large extent national security depends upon the education of citizens, their knowledge of affairs, their characters and sense of discipline and their ability to participate effectively in security measure.” – Kothari commission

A well educated population represents a well secured, well developed, strong Nation.

Source by Charmi Patel

27 Apr

Special Education and the Importance of Collaboration

Collaboration means working with an individual or a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Its importance is most visible in education. Every day, teachers work together with their peers, school counselors, and other staff for the success of each student. And when it comes to special education, collaboration becomes the single most important thing for a teacher.

A teacher for special education has to collaborate with school administrators, general education teachers, school therapists, psychologists, and parents and guardians. Students with mild disability have now been included in regular classroom teaching, according to the provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education (IDEA) Act. This has led to general and special education teachers working together, often with the help of the best fun educational apps. The role of the educator in a general classroom, involves teaching the curriculum and assessing and evaluating special children. It’s important that a the educator brings in a set of personal skills to enhance student learning. Skills of both the general teacher and the special educator should come together to help a student.

A special educator has to work closely with the school management. It’s a vital part of the job. Working with the management will help the special teacher follow the necessary laws and procedure, work with individualized education plan (IEP), and make sure that special children are accommodated in the appropriate classroom. It’s always important to forge a strong relationship with these people for ensuring the success of a special student.

Working with parents is a major challenge for all special education teachers. It’s important to make strong and regular contact. It’s a nice idea to allow parents come and volunteer in the classroom, so that both the educator and the parent can help the children. A special child can obviously relate more to a parent. If parents explain the use of the best fun educational apps for kids, it’s likely to be more believable to the children.

Working with school therapists and psychologists is another key collaboration of a special educator. A therapist can inform the educator about the limitations of a special child. He/she may even recommend the best fun educational apps for kids so that special children pick up social skills faster. The educator, on his/her part, can update the therapist on how a child is progressing. The therapist is also responsible for diagnosis of a special child.

The work of the school psychologist is also largely similar. They too test children for disabilities and ensure that the IEP is being properly followed.

Collaboration is an important part of a special educator’s job, regardless of which part of school education he/she is involved with. Whether it’s working with the school administration, other teachers, parents, guardians, counselors, or therapists, a special educator has to work as part of a team for the betterment of special children. The needs of a special child are much different from that of a neuro-typical. Besides, each child is different. The best fun educational apps can keep the child engaged besides imparting important social skills.

Source by Kevin Carter

16 Dec

Data Science and Its Rising Importance In Cybersecurity [Big Data Analytics]

Data Science & Cybersecurity – what is big data analytics? Why is machine learning applications so important? Why did InfoSec Professionals require to learn about DS? What to know about “data bots” as a data science professional? Differences in data science vs machine learning? How to crack cybersecurity jobs with data science advantage?

DS is a multi-sided field that uses scientific techniques, methods, algorithms, and security practices to extract information and insights.

With the help of DS tools such as Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics, businesses can now get access to meaningful insights hidden within massive data-sets.

This is where DS can help create a significant and lasting impact.

DS and cybersecurity, two of the most popular career paths, are on a collision course. Very intelligent, seasoned, senior managers do not fully understand the importance, or the complexities, of DS and cybersecurity. “There’s a mad rush in the cyber security solutions space to use the terms machine learning, analytics, and DS in conjunction with security products. The CERT Data Science and Cybersecurity Symposium highlighted advances in DS, reviewed government use cases, and demonstrated related tools. Applied DS for Cyber Security. In today’s world, we are assailed by ever-increasing amounts of data and increasingly sophisticated attacks. The programme is designed to build students’ knowledge and develop their expertise in network security, cryptography, DS, and big data analytics. The NACE Center and BHEF conducted research into two skills likely to be important in the future economy: data analytics and cybersecurity skills. A data scientist is a professional with a blend of skills in computer science, mathematics and cybersecurity domain expertise. Cyber Security is a fast-growing field in an ever-interconnected world. Learn why it matters and what data science has to do with it. Data science, along with technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, has found its way into countless security products. Leading experts in the fields of data science and cybersecurity discussing a range of topics related to the role -DS has in addressing the issues.

The section of knowledge will illustrate the inter-relationship between several data management, analytics and decision support techniques and methods commonly adopted in. With automation and AI able to pick up jobs that humans need them to, data analytics and cybersecurity might find it easier to hire skilled employees. Although machine learning tools are commonly used in numerous applications, the big boom of advanced analytics in cybersecurity is yet to come. And that will be interesting to see the future tools to cop up with. Fingers crossed.

Source by Vinayak SP