Tag: <span>College</span>

11 Apr

Safety Tips for College Students

College is an exciting time! It is a time when children stop being children and fully grow into young adults, complete with taking on responsibilities of their own. Of course, few college students are completely ready to be adults right away, and many often find that they need a little help navigating adult life and staying as safe as possible while they do so. Here, we are providing a few tips for staying out of danger while living the college lifestyle. If followed carefully, they practically guarantee a good college experience and, even more importantly, one that helps keep students out of harm’s way.

Use the Buddy System

When elementary school students take field trips, they are often told to “find a buddy” and to stick with that person at all times throughout the day. While this rule might seem a bit childish, it still works quite well in all social situations, during college years and even adulthood. Students who are planning on going to a party, on a late night walk to the library, or anywhere unfamiliar are encouraged to go along with someone else and stay by them. Not only is it more fun to do things with someone else and provide an opportunity to get to know someone new or spend time with a friend, but this also provides two (or more) pairs of watchful eyes decreasing the chances of having something go awry.

Avoid Walking Alone at Night

Once students become comfortable on campus, it can start to feel to them like it is the safest place in the world. They shouldn’t fall into the false sense of security, however, as crimes can and have taken place on college campuses. If students have to walk to their car, to the library, or anywhere else after dark-even if it’s somewhere on campus or close by-they should find someone who can walk with them! If a friend is unavailable, they should consider calling campus security. It may seem like an unnecessary or excessive pain, but a few extra precautions could end up preventing dangerous situations from occurring.

Use the eClick

College students and/or their parents may want to consider the option of investing in the eClick. The eClick is a handy GPS locator specifically designed and intended to be used by college students. The device is small, compact and therefore easily portable. Many college students that use the eClick place them on their key chains or simply slip them into their pockets, backpacks, or purses. The device does not do anything until it is activated, which is done by simply pressing the emergency button. Once this button is pressed, it will send an alert out to emergency professionals. An alert that even includes the exact location to help aiding professionals get there more precisely. An emergency dispatcher will immediately call to verify there is an emergency and receive more details regarding it. However if the owner is unable to answer or does not know their code, help will still automatically be sent to the location.

Source by Patrick Boswell

17 Aug

4 Tips to Make Money Online to Fund Your College Studies

Most students will try to get student loan or scholarship to fund their college study. But, not all students will be successfully approved with the money that is required to fund their study. Even though they get one, the money might not be enough to cover all costs that include tuition fee, living expenses, book & reference and other necessary expenses. Either they get the balance from their parents or they need to find ways to get the money to fund their college study.

The internet has been a place used by many people to earn money either part-time of full-time. The best part of making money online from internet is it can be done asynchronous with other jobs or tasks, and it can be put into autopilot to continue generate income in 24×7 and 365 days. So, if you are looking for money to fund your college study, internet may be a good place to make money online to serve the purpose. Here are 5 tips to make money online which you can use to fund your college study.

1. Set Up Money-Generating Blogs

A blog is a platform for sharing almost anything in internet world. Nowadays, many students have their own blog to share their stuffs with other internet surfers who have the same interest. However, most of those blogs are made solely for sharing purpose without generating any profit. Do you know that you can generate some good money from blogs? If you are looking for potential income to fund your college study, then blogging is one of simplest ways to make money online.

There are a few ways to make money from blogs; the simplest way is to integrate Ads from Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network. What you need is to register a free account and add a simple code into your blog, the ads that are related to your blog content will appear at your blog within minutes. Anyone who visits your blog clicks on the ads, you earn the money. Besides that, you can also find related affiliate products to be promoted at your blog and earn commission on each successfully sale.

2. Set Up An eBay Online Store

Nowadays, people sell almost anything at eBay. It is one of most successful consumer business network that enables people to set up a home based business and make money from their comfort home. If you know how to utilize eBay to generate money, then you won’t need to worry about where to get the money to fund your college study.

Don’t have products to sell at your eBay store? Don’t worry, there is a business channel called drop-shipping where you can find products to be sold at your eBay store. If there are orders, you just need to forward the orders to a drop-shipping company. The company will process the order and delivery the product to your customer on your behalf. You make the profit from the price different between your selling price at eBay and the selling price set by dropshipper.

3. Get Online Survey Jobs

If you do not want to set up a blog or an eBay store, then joining online survey networks can be a good option to make money that is required to fund your college study. There are many companies looking for consumers to review their products or services; they are willing to pay you if you can spend time to fill-up their online survey forms. So, get your opinions paid by taking the online survey jobs.

4. Earn Money By Writing Articles

If you are a student, then writing articles should not be a problem to you. Unless you really hate writing, you can earn money by writing articles on your favor topics and submit them to article directories that pay you if your articles are included into their library. One of the famous websites that pay their authors on every article that is included into their library is “Associated Content”. Other than text articles, the website also accept videos, audios and images. You don’t need to be the best author to write articles, as long as you follow the guidelines set by the article directories, your articles can be easily approved and be included into their library, and you get paid for your efforts of writing.

Source by Nicole Reebi

25 Mar

Survive the Cafeteria and Have a Healthy College Diet With These 5 Tips

Living in the dorms and getting a healthy college diet at the cafeteria can be a serious challenge. Many students put on the freshman 15 or more, and the caf food is at least partially to blame. There are plenty of unhealthy choices in the caf and this leads to an improper diet. If you want to improve your diet and lose some weight, here are 5 tips for cafeteria survival:

1. Don’t take a tray

Nutritionists agree that eating 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day is better for your weight than eating 1-3 large ones. Grabbing a tray is counterproductive because you can fit a lot on a tray, like a dinner plate, dinner roll, desert plate, and beverages. Skip the tray and just grab the plate and silverware. Fill up the plate with a decent lunch or dinner and go to your seat and set it down. You can head back up for your beverages. This is a fool-proof way to stick to eating small meals.

2. Unlimited meal plan

Building on what I mentioned above, you want to eat several small meals per day on a healthy college diet. Make sure that you have enough access to stop for at least 3 meals before the caf closes, and maybe even run through for a snack. It depends on how your school runs its meal system, but if you only have access to 10 meals per week in the caf, this is going to lead to eating large meals, fast food, or unhealthy snacks in between meals.

3. What to eat for breakfast

A healthy college diet must include breakfast. Studies show that people who eat breakfast daily are thinner than people who don’t. Choose a breakfast with lean protein, complex carbs, and fiber.

4. Beverage choice

The cafeteria has many sugary soft-drinks available. Try to avoid these, since they will add a lot of unwanted calories and processed sugar to your diet. Try to stick with water, milk, and limited amounts of real fruit juice.

5. What to avoid

Some things to try to avoid as much as possible for a healthy college diet:

  • The desert tray and desert freezer
  • Bagels
  • French fries
  • The waffle bar
  • The soft-serve ice cream machine
  • Fountain pops
  • Doughnuts
  • Desert pastries
  • Sugary cereal

Source by Scott Kae

25 Dec

Essential Tips for College Students Caring for Dogs

Balancing your studies, balancing your work, balancing your budget, balancing your social life, and balancing your health?

Here are some essential tips if you’re a college student seeking advice about caring for your dog while balancing the other demands being in school presents.


When considering what environment to house a dog, first and foremost, make sure the place you are living allows animals. Being asked to relocate your pet or charged a fee because of your pet can be an incredibly uncomfortable situation. Any location you decide to live, access to a lawn for your dog to use the bathroom is a key factor to consider. Depending on the size of the lawn and whether or not it is fenced off will determine the type of leash to have. To avoid issues with neighbors and to reduce a build-up of lawn maintenance later, clean up after your dog every day. In order to protect your values and protect your pet, dog proof your house. Be aware of loose wires, open doors, and furniture stability.


There are a multitude of healthy snack options for you that are also healthy for your dog. Instead of immediately opting to give them a dog biscuit, switch it up with a nutritional alternative such as apple slices, watermelon, blueberries, frozen bananas, cantaloupes, green beans, carrots, or sweet potatoes. Introducing these types of foods to your dog at a younger age will allow him or her to acquire a taste for the foods and maybe even encourage a love for fruits and vegetables.


Introducing your dog to tennis balls at an early age is a great way to save money on toys. Tennis balls are inexpensive and easy to clean. While they are young, expose him or her to different toys and observe your dog’s playing tendencies. Categorize the toy families that are safe for your dog to play with alone for extended periods of time and the toys that should be played with while someone is present. For example, some dogs will chew and consume rope toys, which may cause health concerns.


Keep a tub of baby wipes readily available by the door to wipe away any small messes you wouldn’t want your dog to bring inside. Also, a tip to keep your dog from excessive moving during bath time is to smother some peanut butter on the shower wall to keep them pleasantly distracted while you bathe them. If your dog has excessive shedding, brush him or her regularly and look into possibly investing in a robot vacuum.


Lead a healthier lifestyle with your dog through healthy bodies and healthy minds. Regularly take your dog on walks and do outdoor exercises with your pet. If your dog needs more exercise than what you’re able to offer, looking into local dog parks and dog walkers could make all the difference.

Social/ Support System

Have emergency contacts for you and your pet readily available on your mobile device and displayed in your home. Establishing a relationship with your neighbors can be beneficial if you want another set of eyes to monitor your pet. When you can, bring your dog out with you. If you are having trouble finding new friends, dogs are a great friend to help you meet new people. Being in an pet-friendly environment and community is good for both you and your dog.

There will undoubtedly be times of hardship when introducing a dog into your life while in college, but the lessons of responsibility, trust, and companionship are invaluable. College is full of excitement, stress, and every emotion in between. If you desire to own a dog while in college, following some of these tips and tricks may ease the transition of settling into your new life with your pet.

Source by Jessica N Javier

01 Dec

Developing a College or University Mace

Colleges and universities often employ a “mace” to connect the institution’s customs with the best traditions of higher education dating to the first universities founded during the Middle Ages.

A mace symbolizes authority, learning and scholarship, history, reputation, and values. It suggests commemoration, elegance, honor, pageantry, purpose, quality, solemnity, stability, and continuity.

During my service as the President of Cornerstone University we developed a mace for the university. While the product of our efforts is spectacularly beautiful, that result was by no means guaranteed during development because we were forced to learn by trial-and-error. We discovered articles about the history and significance of the academic mace, but we did not find helpful “how-to” content. Helping you with process is the purpose of this article.

First, your president should endorse the effort and preferably be enthusiastically engaged. His or her leadership can smooth bumps in a process that will require months and may take years.

Second, identify a Mace Development Coordinator. The importance of who this person is and what vision, talent, and work ethic he or she brings to the task are not possible to overstate. This project needs a champion, because the president has neither the time nor maybe the expertise to give to it. Developing a distinctive mace involves a unique combination of knowledge and skills: artistic, philosophic, administrative, political. Identifying a highly regarded coordinator who possesses these gifts-and who “gets things done”-is key to success. I found a retired, emeritus professor of music who was eager to continue contributing. She was a god-send.

Third, take time to research carefully and thoroughly the history of university maces, the style of maces used in universities around the world, the artistry and symbolic significance of mace workmanship, and the types of academic events wherein university maces are presented. Perhaps visit other colleges and universities to view their maces and to learn how those maces were developed. Only after this review is completed should you begin the long process of drawing a sketch in which the shape, size, and evolving symbols of the mace can be visualized and evaluated. This is an iterative experience. You’ll embrace, than abandon, a series of “great ideas.” Metal versus wood. Philosophic versus practical. Academic, athletic, regional or state images? Length or height, weight. Precious gems and metals? Cost. Maces range from inexpensive functional pieces to unique, “priceless,” objects d’art.

Fourth, at this juncture we found it helpful to share a progress report with personnel and selected constituents, inviting their feedback. We worked especially closely with three or four professors whose expertise in philosophy, traditions of the academy, and our university’s history protected us from inadvertent errors of presentation. Throughout the process, the Mace Coordinator regularly kept me informed as President, which allowed me to contribute ideas and to connect the project with appropriate supporters. We found this interim exposure also generated interest and excitement in the project.

Fifth, if appropriate, connect your mace physically, not just symbolically, with your institution’s heritage. For example, identify a piece of wood or metal taken from the original campus or Old Main and include this element in your mace’s design. Our institution was founded by religious leaders in a church, so we contacted the current leadership of the church, requesting their assistance. They graciously gave to the university a piece of original oak from which our woodcarver crafted a part of the university seal featured on the mace. This element is not only beautiful, it is emotional, packed with meaning, honoring our forbears, and reminding our students the university was not born yesterday. And the people attending the church were warmed by the university’s remembrance.

Sixth, once you’ve determined, at least generally, the materials and probable design of your mace, the next step is to search for craftsmen or women with qualitatively superior artistic and technical skills capable of making a university mace at the level of excellence you require. We made our mace from Honduran Mahogany and found, amazingly, an incredibly skilled-and fast-woodcarver in our city. Precious gems were donated and installed by local jewelers. A nearby fine furniture business donated and completed our mace’s polished lacquer finish, highlighting the mace’s intricately carved features and preserving the wood’s natural tones. Both a local architect and a sculptor contributed their design expertise. Area carpenters crafted and contributed a Michigan cherry wood armature, along with a black marble base, to create the mace’s pedestal. I recommend you give first preference to regional craftsmen or women in order to facilitate communication, preserve local character, and promote constituent engagement. Who you select also influences the time required to complete the project.

Seventh, as the mace development project nears completion, write a set of standards governing when and how the mace will be presented. Remember, to develop your institution’s traditions by associating a certain aura with your mace you must handle it in a special way. Consider these guidelines: the mace should be used in all official ceremonies and only in official ceremonies (not borrowed for a fraternity party or an athletic championship); a Mace Bearer, a position of high honor, should be chosen for his or her accomplishments; the Mace Bearer should wear white gloves to signify elegance and to preserve the finish of the mace; the mace should lead all processionals and recessionals; the mace should be placed in a position of prominence and dignity on the speakers’ platform, etc. You may also wish to designate a Mace Trustee, a person charged with caring for the mace before and after the event, including delivering the mace to the event location and returning it to the Office of the President after the event’s conclusion. Appointing a Mace Trustee is a practical matter, but it also provides the university with another opportunity to involve individuals in the august traditions of the university.

Eighth, the university mace should reside in the Office of the President, which will be responsible for securing and displaying the mace. Institutions have placed their maces in other locations, but I believe the symbolic authority vested in the mace is reinforced by residence in the Office of the President, somewhat like the key to the city in the mayor’s office.

Ninth, when we unveiled our mace, I was able to say that all funds necessary for the development of the mace had been contributed by friends of the university. This comment always goes over well with the faculty and the CFO.

Tenth, finally, when your mace is finished, I recommend a mace commissioning ceremony during the fall or perhaps a special convocation. When you present and explain the mace’s symbolism you are celebrating the values and the growing prestige of the institution.

The university mace we developed was quickly embraced as an iconic addition to the university’s tradition. Those who bear it speak of the honor accorded them. It connects us with those who have come before and those who will come hereafter in the pursuit of learning. Like great art, it moves us. It is the university.

Source by Rex Rogers

25 Nov

Job Search Tips For College Students

Once you have a couple of years of college under your belt and you are nearing graduation, you want to start thinking about finding a job after graduation. The process can be overwhelming and sometimes scary for someone who is going through it for the first time, but these tips will help you get through it easier.

One of the first steps to finding a job after college is to go and look at your college’s career center. You want to make an appointment with a career counselor and they will help you with deciding what kind of career would be the best for you. You can start doing this as a freshman, only because this way you are familiar with where the career center is and they already know who you are when you come back for more lengthy visits. When you become a senior in college, think about visiting the center weekly and that will help to ensure you’re first in line when the job opening hot tips come through.

The second thing that you should do is to remember to start your jobs search early. You don’t want to find yourself with a week until graduation and not have a student jobs lined up. Depending on what kind of career you are looking to have, you might want to do some traveling. For example, if you are looking to get into the pharmaceutics, some of the largest companies are based in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Another thing to consider is taking an internship with a company. There are two reasons that this is a good thing to consider. First, it gives you an idea of what the company is like to work for without you making a very firm commitment. The other reason is that it lets the company see what you are like – your working habits and such.

Of course, when you have an internship on your resume, it looks good to companies who might want to hire you because it shows that you have put into practice what you have learned during your college years. A resume isn’t simply something that shows your work history. A resume is a way to show companies what you have learned and what qualifications that you have to work for them. Education and learning is as important as work history to most companies.

Searching for a job during your college years and after graduation doesn’t have to be difficult and it doesn’t have to be something that you will lose sleep over. As long as you talk to your college career counselors, start out early in your job searching, and consider taking an internship, you’ll find that the job search goes much quicker and much more smoothly. There are resources out there and they are available for the asking but you have to take advantage of them and use them, or else they will go to waste.

Source by Simon Ahtung

29 Oct

Earning A GED Diploma Qualifies You For College Education And Better Career Options

People who haven’t earned a high school diploma are often presented with limited opportunities. That is, they couldn’t get a better income-earning job, pass for a promotion or go to college. If you happen to be part of this statistics, you have an option to pull yourself out of the rut you are stuck in, and that is taking the GED test and acquiring a GED diploma.

While it’s true that a GED diploma isn’t as strong as a high school diploma, it’s better than having nothing at all. You may be a dropout who hasn’t and could not finish high school. Are you thinking about taking the GED test? That may be a good decision, especially as you mull over the benefits of passing the GED test. Here are 4 of them:

It presents an alternative to studying in a traditional school. In many cases, individuals find it difficult to finish highschool. Thus, they drop out and are not able to finish their secondary education. Not having a highschool diploma can have one stigmatized. He or she tends to be not accepted when applying for a decent job and cannot pursue further education, such as that in college. But you shouldn’t think that you’re hopeless if you’re in the same situation. You can make the decision to move on and make your life better by taking the GED test. Then can you obtain your GED diploma which is equivalent to a highschool diploma. With it, you can catch up and get ahead in life. The average age of GED test-takers is 26, according to a recent report of the GED Testing Service. Most of the people who take the GED test have been out of school for 10 years or so. These are the individuals who have strived to “complete” their high school education by taking the GED test.

You can avail of better employment opportunities. Employers often discourage high school drop outs from applying in their companies. They also want to make sure that their applicants possess reliable skills to contribute to their businesses. And so they require the latter to hold a high school diploma or an equivalent of it. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has indicated that a GED diploma can qualify you for a full-time employment than if you don’t have one. Unemployment rate for those without diplomas reach 12.7 percent while only 8.3 percent of those with diplomas are without jobs. A GED diploma may not be literally required to advance in a job, but the knowledge, skills learned and the hard work of a GED earner may qualify them for a promotion.

There are better opportunities to earn more. A GED diploma may not hold the same value as a high school diploma, but the U.S. Census signified that GED diploma holders earn $3,100 a month on the average- $700 higher than those who had some high school education and $1,000 more than workers who had elementary level of schooling. Getting the GED is an educational experience where you acquire more knowledge and learn hard work. You’ll likewise gain know-how pertaining to your skills. These could have you hired for a higher income job, or advance in the workplace by way of a promotion.

Advance in your education. “Barron’s GED: High School Equivalency Exam” has cited that a GED diploma is a major requirement when it comes to gaining admission to technical schools, colleges, as well as participating in career training programs. You may already be employed, but without a GED diploma, you aren’t likely to be able to avail of further trainings and certifications that are necessary for you to progress in your company.

Knowing these benefits of passing the GED can motivate you to take the test and get hold of your diploma. You can move on and get ahead in life even if you’re a high school dropout by making the choice to take that one crucial step. Your capability and aptitude signified by your GED diploma can help you change your life for the better.

Source by Winnie Custodio

02 Oct

What Does a Community College Cost?

Community college costs are normally lower than four year universities. Students can take classes at community college and earn credits toward a two year or four year degree program at a lower cost.

Community colleges are local colleges that offer two year degrees, certifications and many classes will transfer later to a four year university. On average community college costs are lower than four year universities.

The national average college tuition cost for public universities is $4,694 per year for in state residents. This figure includes both tuition rates and fees for a full time student.

The average college tuition cost at private colleges and universities is around $20,000 per year in tuition and fees.

Now compare this to the average yearly tuition for a community college. The average cost of community college tuition is only $2,076 per year. This is less than half than a traditional four year public university and much less than a private college.

Attending a community college will also help offset the costs if a student decides to continue his or her education toward a bachelor’s degree. Since community college costs are lower students are not likely to be accumulating student loans which will help their financial state in long term future.

Another factor to consider is that each year tuition rates rise. In fact college tuition costs increase at about twice the general inflation rate, about 8% per year. The future and long term costs are something that all college students, current and future, should consider when choosing a college.

Even though community college tuition costs and four year college costs increase, many students benefit from financial aid programs. Government grants such as the Pell grant provide funding for many college students. In fact students who attend community colleges may qualify for grants that would cover most or all of their community college tuition costs.

Scholarship programs awarded by colleges, businesses and non profit organizations are also available to help students defray the cost of community college tuition. With a combination of savings, financial aid, and scholarships many students today are able to afford college tuition costs and further their education.

Source by Michael Carter

27 Aug

3 Tips College Students Must Follow While Purchasing a Used Car

When you own a car, college life tends to become a lot easier. A car for college students can be a means for a quicker commute to class. Additionally, having a car can be a convenient means of running errands and simplifying daily chores. Because of low cost of user cars, students prefer them as an affordable mode of transportation. While buying a used car may not be a difficult process, there are some tips that will help you along the way.

Consider the following tips as you set out to purchase your used car.

· Get an Inspection before You Purchase Your Car

Whenever buying a used car, it is imperative to evaluate its condition with the help of the vehicle emissions inspection and the vehicle safety inspection. The vehicle emissions inspection checks the emissions of the car. On the other hand, the vehicle safety inspection examines the safety of the components of the car; for instance it inspects the working condition of headlights, directional signals, steering and the brake systems. For many first-time buyers and college students, it is one step that is often overlooked. Therefore, before you purchase your next car, make sure to get an inspection.

· Ask for a Written Disclosure of Car Damages

With little or no experience of purchasing a car, asking for a disclosure of the car damages can greatly impact your decision to buy it. Asking for a written disclosure from the seller is essential. It is because the seller is not entitled to inform you about the car’s condition if the damages do not exceed a certain percent of the market price. For example, a seller in North Carolina must provide a written disclosure if the cost of damages exceed 25 percent of the market price of the car.

The written disclosure should be obtained before the purchase is finalized. The seller must disclose specific details of damages such as flood damage and reconstruction of essential car components. Thus, if a seller is not providing you with a written disclosure of the car damages, reconsider your purchase decision.

· Get Protected Under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act

The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act is a federal law that protects the buyer of any product with price more than $25. Also, it includes any manufacturer warranty during the purchase of the product. Under the act, you can be protected against a used car that does not perform as it is expected to. The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act states that if your car requires repairs even after two or three repair attempts, you are entitled to a relief. Understanding the various acts prevalent in your area can come to your help when you purchase your next car.

Purchasing a car is major investment. For college students who are new to the various rules of buying a used car, the above tips will guide you when you set out to make a purchase.

Source by Jeffery Reynolds