Tag: <span>Career</span>

16 Jun

Career Guidance Tips For Teachers

It may seem like a long time ago since you took up that one subject in Guidance and Counseling in college but waver not! There’s no need to take a refresher course for you to effectively guide your students towards the most rewarding career paths for them.

  1. Be an example of happiness and contentment. The only competition that can give financial rewards a run for its money is happiness. Remind your students everyday that career is not an issue of immediate monetary returns but of enduring returns. Seeing you smiling despite the stress of your work (and the delayed salary if you will) will inspire them to choose careers they will enjoy in the long run. It will also show them how, even if industry demands change, who they are and what gives them joy will remain rock-steady.
  2. Encourage self-reflection and self-discovery. With all the diversions and recreation students have, taking time off to think and reflect might be the last thing on their to-do list. You can help them by giving them a few minutes at homeroom to ponder on some questions like: “What do I like best about myself?” or “What do I want to do for the next five years?” If this seems too serious, use games like Icebreaker or Query.
  3. Let them express their plans and dreams. Many students, when asked what they want to do in life, just shrug and say, “I don’t know.” Perhaps they don’t, perhaps they do but haven’t really thought about it. Allowing them to express their dreams-no matter how far-out-promotes the value of thinking ahead and the skill of planning. Ask them to create an image of who they will be ten years from now and to write about what they have accomplished within ten years. This way, it will seem like they have already achieved what they desire.
  4. Commend a student’s strengths to him and to his peers. Giving praise where it is due certainly makes a difference. Notice the smallest victories in any field or aspect of life. Did someone submit an exceptional drawing or essay? Made friends with everyone? Fixed a broken chair? Receiving positive remarks about his/her output or attitude boosts self-esteem and encourages a student to pursue his/her best attributes. Making a student’s peers see your sign of approval makes them appreciate the person’s worth, creating a community where students are not forced to see academics as the only standard of worth.
  5. Introduce them to a variety of successful people. Provide them with role models of passion and good career choice, be it a college graduate or a high school dropout. It is common fare for students to meet college graduate bigwigs in their lessons. There are many of them after all as if to prove that college is the only way out of poverty. What is difficult is to convince people that college is not for everyone and is not the only option. If you namedrop successful celebrities and tycoons who didn’t go to college, they just might rethink the entire thing.
  6. Talk about a student’s best qualities and possible options to his/her parents. Hearing of their child’s passion and perseverance in something never fails to make parents proud of their children. Hearing of the best qualities of their child from a teacher enhances their understanding of their child and makes them more open to options other than theirs. Inform them of possibilities for their child and emphasize long-term rewards over immediate gains. For those students who are not apt for college education, dwell on the positive traits of the student so that parents will see the benefits of alternative options like technical-vocational careers.
  7. Organize a simple education and career directory. Because of the unavailability of organized information on education and career options, make a simple one for your homeroom class. You can put a simple list of college courses and technical-vocational specializations and their corresponding job or industry requirements. At the bottom of the list, include contact numbers for some colleges or universities and institutions that offer technical-vocational programs. You may also include local bureau or government agency hotlines.

Source by Christine Gapuz

03 Jul

Hotel Management As a Career in India

Hotel Management has been rated as one of the most popular choice of students after 10+2 studies.

In the present era, tourism in India has evolved from a simple leisure activity to a much more advanced – diversified activity having a direct bearing on the socio-economic progress and the effect on per capita income in India. The business volume of tourism in India is on a par with that of revenues earned from oil exports + automobiles, etc. India has earned the reputation of an incredible tourist destination with the diversity of experiences.

Visitors coming to India are influenced by the richness of Indian culture, touched by the warmth of Indians, amazed by the grandeur of Indian monuments and delighted with the excellent standards of Indian hotels.

To be able to cater to the increasing inflow of tourists in India, there are numerous international hotel chains across the country. Regardless of where you go & what your pocket allows spending for the purpose of boarding and lodging, India has all types of hotels ranging from budget hotels to 5 Star Deluxe Hotels in the country to cater to the varying tastes of all types of guests. So a degree in hotel management in India will open the door to a world of exciting career opportunities. Apart from this, hotel management students in India might also get the chance to go to exciting places abroad. The students can opt to work with hotels, resorts, cruise ships or other organisations affiliated to the Indian or International tourism industry.

The Indian Tourism sector has shown a remarkable capacity to adjust itself to the changing market conditions, fuelling growth & job creation around the world, despite the lingering economic & geopolitical challenges present in the world.

Demand in India for international tourism was strongest for destinations in Asia and the Pacific with a projected growth of 5%- 6% in the year 2015.

Career after doing Hotel Management Degree:
In the last 10 years, Indian tourism industry has witnessed an increase in foreign tourist arrivals plus spurt in domestic tourism with around 30 million Indians who travel within the country every year. The rising demand has given a boost to the employment opportunity in the Indian tourism sector. While most graduates usually seek work in 5 Star hotels or other private hotel chains, some find themselves seeking alternative employment, career avenues in restaurant management, cruise ship, hotel management, institutional & industrial catering, club or bar management, airline catering and cabin services or management of catering departments in Indian banks & insurance houses.

At middle management and supervisory levels in the Hotel Industry, students are absorbed in the multifarious areas of hotel operations including Front Office/ Food & Beverage Services/ Food Production or Kitchens/ Housekeeping and Marketing & Sales. All of these are specialized areas of operation and require a great deal of study and practical application in India. Coupled with this is the requirement for trained manpower in India in special areas such as airline and railway catering- industrial catering- institutional catering- etc. and that has warranted further augmentation of training capability and modernisation of existing facilities in India. The Indian hospitality industry has grown by leaps and bounds in the past 2 decades and the demand for trained manpower in this industry is immense.

There are various short term and long term courses available in the Hospitality Management studies. Students can pursue Certificate (6 months- 1 Year), Diploma (1 Year) or Degree (3 Years). There are tremendous Hotel Management colleges in India to gain this professional education.

Source by Rohit Jain

06 Jun

Why Is Data Science the NextGen Career Field?

If you intend to become a data scientist or pursue a career in this field, we have the good news for you that you have made a great decision. Data science is the field of next-generation and is going nowhere in the decades ahead. Let’s find out more.

Data science is a broad and diversified field but one reason which is enough to ensure its sustainability is that it solves the problems of a lot of businesses. Apart from that, there are many other factors due to which we are betting on this field to be the career of the next generation. Our article will revolve around a discussion of these factors. So, let’s begin straightaway.

Importance of Data Handling

The quantum of data has multiplied over the years and businesses tend to struggle when it comes to handling this data. They cannot ignore this issue because of their sales, costs, and all major decisions rely on this data.

In the middle of this situation, the role of a data scientist has become even more crucial. A data scientist can provide a solution for data handling and analysis to help businesses take a prudent decision in the light of facts and figures.

Following Compliance & Regulations

Many regulations have been introduced globally that instruct organization to ensure data privacy and efficient data management. So, companies now need a lot of reliable and qualified professionals to take responsibility for data privacy and analytics.

The reason is that customers do not hesitate to share their data nowadays as they know that they can take action in case of the data breach. So, who can make a company compliant and manage data better than a data scientist? Nobody can do this better than these professionals.

An Evolutionary Concept

Here’s a piece of advice for all the readers out there: choose a career that is dynamic and has a scope of evolving. Data science is the field that has numerous opportunities for people to avail of. It has not gone even halfway to its potential yet. So, if you are going to go into this field today, you have already played a masterstroke for a progressive career.

Appealing Job Market

You will find many graduates who have completed their studies from reputable institutes yet they are striving to get a decent job relevant to their field. This is not the case with data science. According to research, 94% of data science graduates immediately get good jobs.

So, with the rising worth of data science, you don’t need to worry about jobs. You would not have to look for a job either. And the story doesn’t end here. Companies pay a handsome amount to data scientists these days and you will be amazed to hear that a data scientist roughly makes $150,000 on average per annum. Hence, this field is not less than a life-changing opportunity.

In short, data science is here to stay and jobs in this field won’t fad anywhere in the near future. Instead, it is bound to find new glories.

Source by Shalini M

31 Mar

Meteorology Career in India

Meteorology deals with atmospheric studies and its effects on day to day activities of human life. Those concerned with the study the atmosphere and its characteristics are known as Meteorologists or Atmospheric scientists. Global warming, pollution in the environment and deforestation has increased the significance of Meteorologists. Various meteorological and technical institutes in India are imparting courses in meteorology to provide efficient and talented meteorologists to the organizations.

Now, many government and private meteorological organizations are hiring efficient, skilled and talented meteorologists, who can provide appropriate predictions concerning the climatic conditions.

Both technical institutes and universities teach Meteorology Courses which are among the earth sciences. Thus, qualified meteorologists can get employed in meteorological institutes, environment regulatory bodies, and research institutes.

Course Details:

Now, many colleges and universities in India are offering Meteorology courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The eligibility for pursuing UG courses is a pass in 10+2 examination with science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology), from any recognized State or National Board and for the PG program is a pass in B.Sc, from any recognized University.

Institutes offering Meteorology courses in India:

  • Shivaji University (Kolhapur)
  • Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore)
  • Andhra University (Visakhapatnam)
  • IIT Kharagpur, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
  • Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences

Scope of Meteorology in India:

Various Meteorology jobs exist in the meteorological centers in India. Professionals can get placed as research scholars and scientists in research institutes like Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, and Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences. Other research bodies like Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Indian Space Research Organization employs scholars in Meteorology. Even now, many educational institutions offer careers in meteorology in the form of openings for lecturers and professors.

Career Prospects:

After pursuing Meteorology course, depending on the field of specialization, one can specialize in fields such as weather forecasting, aviation meteorology, agricultural meteorology, hydrometeorology, nuclear meteorology and maritime meteorology. Now, Meteorologists are being hired by meteorological department, environment regulatory bodies and research institutes.
Qualified Meteorologists are offered productive placements in:

  • Oceanography research academies
  • Environment regulatory bodies
  • Educational institutes
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • Riyal Meteorological Society


The remuneration for Meteorologist may vary according to the person’s work experience in the field. Fresh graduates may start from their base monthly salaries of Rs.10,000 to Rs.15,000 per month. When they become more established in this field, they can work their way up to a monthly payment level of Rs. 50,000.

Thus, a meteorologist should be able to make use of various equipments such as rain gauge, anemometer, thermometer, barometer, radiosondes, remote sensing instruments (Radar, Lidar, Satellites etc), to measure temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed, rainfall and air quality.

Source by Sameer Mohan

29 Oct

Earning A GED Diploma Qualifies You For College Education And Better Career Options

People who haven’t earned a high school diploma are often presented with limited opportunities. That is, they couldn’t get a better income-earning job, pass for a promotion or go to college. If you happen to be part of this statistics, you have an option to pull yourself out of the rut you are stuck in, and that is taking the GED test and acquiring a GED diploma.

While it’s true that a GED diploma isn’t as strong as a high school diploma, it’s better than having nothing at all. You may be a dropout who hasn’t and could not finish high school. Are you thinking about taking the GED test? That may be a good decision, especially as you mull over the benefits of passing the GED test. Here are 4 of them:

It presents an alternative to studying in a traditional school. In many cases, individuals find it difficult to finish highschool. Thus, they drop out and are not able to finish their secondary education. Not having a highschool diploma can have one stigmatized. He or she tends to be not accepted when applying for a decent job and cannot pursue further education, such as that in college. But you shouldn’t think that you’re hopeless if you’re in the same situation. You can make the decision to move on and make your life better by taking the GED test. Then can you obtain your GED diploma which is equivalent to a highschool diploma. With it, you can catch up and get ahead in life. The average age of GED test-takers is 26, according to a recent report of the GED Testing Service. Most of the people who take the GED test have been out of school for 10 years or so. These are the individuals who have strived to “complete” their high school education by taking the GED test.

You can avail of better employment opportunities. Employers often discourage high school drop outs from applying in their companies. They also want to make sure that their applicants possess reliable skills to contribute to their businesses. And so they require the latter to hold a high school diploma or an equivalent of it. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has indicated that a GED diploma can qualify you for a full-time employment than if you don’t have one. Unemployment rate for those without diplomas reach 12.7 percent while only 8.3 percent of those with diplomas are without jobs. A GED diploma may not be literally required to advance in a job, but the knowledge, skills learned and the hard work of a GED earner may qualify them for a promotion.

There are better opportunities to earn more. A GED diploma may not hold the same value as a high school diploma, but the U.S. Census signified that GED diploma holders earn $3,100 a month on the average- $700 higher than those who had some high school education and $1,000 more than workers who had elementary level of schooling. Getting the GED is an educational experience where you acquire more knowledge and learn hard work. You’ll likewise gain know-how pertaining to your skills. These could have you hired for a higher income job, or advance in the workplace by way of a promotion.

Advance in your education. “Barron’s GED: High School Equivalency Exam” has cited that a GED diploma is a major requirement when it comes to gaining admission to technical schools, colleges, as well as participating in career training programs. You may already be employed, but without a GED diploma, you aren’t likely to be able to avail of further trainings and certifications that are necessary for you to progress in your company.

Knowing these benefits of passing the GED can motivate you to take the test and get hold of your diploma. You can move on and get ahead in life even if you’re a high school dropout by making the choice to take that one crucial step. Your capability and aptitude signified by your GED diploma can help you change your life for the better.

Source by Winnie Custodio