Tag: <span>Art</span>

01 Jul

Speed Tufting Is Both An Art and a Science – Book Review

Many people are quilters, and it takes a long time to learn all the different kinds of stitches, and how to put together complex patterns. People make all kinds of things out of quilting material. Many people are quite accomplished artists in this medium. Still, making a really nice rug for the floor or for a wall can be much more difficult until you learn how to do it correctly. They’re all kinds of things you need to learn if you choose to take up this new sport. Let’s talk about that for a second shall we?

The reason I say this is because I own a very good book that talks about tufting, and the other day when I was going through my bookshelves determining which books I should donate to friends or to the local library I came across this book. I decided to take it with me to the local coffee shop and read through it. I’m very glad I did. It’s an extremely interesting book, and I’d like to recommend it to you as well. The name of the book is;

“The Art of Speed Tufting” by Joseph Montell, published by RC – Rug Crafters, Santa Ana, California, 1973, 63 pages.

In this book you will learn about all of the tools needed for speed tufting. You will learn how to use a tongue and steel shuttle, and a needle and wooden handle tool. You will learn why tufting weavers prefer spring brass tongues, and how to use the adjusting screw to get the tufting tool to walk. It is my belief that if you put in a good 20 hours of practice, you can learn to be a speed tufting artist. If you doubt that, perhaps you might also read the book “The First 20 Hours,” which suggests that you can learn a new skill quite easily if you put your mind to it and use the right methodology to learn.

Okay, back to the tufting book; in this book you will learn how to thread the tufting tool and why there is a bend in the tufting tongue and how to gauge and adjust the loop length as well as the distance between stitches. You will learn about the stretching pattern, preparing the yarn and how to use a yarn reeler. I had no idea about how to latex the back once you are completed, or why the hemming of the pattern and the hemming of a round rug were different.

This book takes you through creating custom patterns from start to finish. Lastly, the book tells you how to wash your creation without ruining it. Please consider all this and think on it – and perhaps, buy this book if you are interested.

Source by Lance Winslow

09 Mar

Instant Covert Hypnosis – How to Master the Art and Science of the Handshake Induction

Are you interested in learning the art and science of instant covert hypnosis? Just imagine what you could do with this skill, you could triple your income, seduce the women of your dreams and generally make your life far more easier and exciting.

Today I am going to teach you an advanced instant covert hypnosis technique – The handshake induction. This is a technique that you can use to instantly put someone into a hypnotic trance and anyone with even a passing interest in hypnosis would have heard of this dazzling display of hypnotic artistry.  

To begin reach out and begin shaking your subject’s hand as you normally would. After you have made three typical up and down motions, begin to let go of the subject’s hand, but only for a millisecond, then quickly re-grasp fully. Then release your grasp then quickly re-grasp applying slightly more pressure with one finger than the rest. Release a third time then re- grasp one last time applying slight pressure with a different finger.

Now at the same time that you are doing these motions, gaze directly in your subject’s eyes and then as you are performing the final grasp, move your gaze slightly above their head and behind them, as if you were looking through them. What this process does is induce an altered state through confusion.

Most handshakes are normal and most people have shaken hands hundreds of times. But this handshake is different, it unusual behavior is different it confuses your subject making them go into their head to try figure out what to do. Basically this instant covert hypnosis technique knocks them off their mental balance and put them into an altered state. Did you enjoy learning this technique because I have many more to teach you and you can learn them by following the links below.

Source by David St. Claire

16 Nov

The Art of Teaching Homeschool Science

When it comes to homeschooling your kids in the subject of science, is there a cut-and-dried formula? While many parents have been led to believe there is, the reality is that it’s more beneficial to treat the process as an art than a science. It’s important for kids to use their natural curiosity to explore the world around them and truly enjoy science class. The following artful tips will help you teach homeschool science in a way that makes it fun and engaging.

Active Learning Through Open Inquiry

There are lots of scientific facts and data to be learned. But rather than have your child passively learn via memorization, science becomes interactive through the process of open inquiry. Encourage your kids to think about how things might work before telling them how scientists have discovered they actually do work; encourage them to question.

Kids are born with natural curiosity and will ask questions in the natural course of their learning. Rather than answer their queries with rote facts, answer them with questions of your own that make them think more deeply about a subject. If your child asks, “Why is the sky is blue?”, counter that with, “What do you think there is in the atmosphere that produces the color blue?” That’s open inquiry that encourages exploration and discovery.

Science Should Be Explored

There is a way of teaching that chokes off a child’s natural curiosity and then there is a way of teaching that encourages inquisitive minds to further explore scientific theories and facts.

If you think that science is a “hard” subject to learn, it’s probably because you were taught to memorize random facts or complicated equations. This is not the most effective approach to teaching science. Just knowing random facts about something doesn’t mean you understand it.

The same is true for your child. Don’t worry about having her memorize a set of facts, but encourage her to ask questions that come from her innate sense of curiosity. So rather than asking her to learn the Latin names for each species of North American bird, for instance, help her find the answers to things she wants to know, such as how birds are able to fly and how they communicate with each other and what types of food they eat.

Break the Rules of Experimentation

Performing hands-on experiments is a vital part of learning science. But rather than insisting that experiments follow a prescribed set of steps or rules, allow your child to dive right in and maybe even make mistakes. Guidelines are good but there’s no reason you can’t break the rules and, in fact, you should do so regularly. This encourages lots of questions and further experimentation to see what might happen if… if a variable is changed or if the experiment is moved or if the same results would occur with other variables. You never know, you and your child might just discover something new.

Teaching your kids science is about more than just following a prescribed curriculum. Every now and then you should step outside the box and see what happens. Have your kids think about broader possibilities and help them discover answers to their questions on their own. All science is really an art; it’s not black and white but shades of gray that color the results of those who dare to be curious and explore the world around them.

Source by Dr Rebecca Keller

19 Jul

Data Science Course – Learn From Skilled Professionals and Master the Art of Data Science

Data Science is a fast-evolving technology field that offers numerous benefits for businesses and organizations. The storage and processing of data are the two main challenges faced by organizations. To overcome these challenges, the field of data science was originated.

It is a mixture of several algorithms and visualization tools that can be used to derive meaningful insights from unprocessed data. The main agenda is to discover hidden patterns in raw data.

The processing is done by professional data scientists analyzing from different perspectives and using machine learning algorithms to derive conclusions. To become a highly skilled data scientist, the data science course Africa is considered the best option to gain a deep insight.

Why is Data Science Needed?

In today’s world, data is available everywhere abundantly. Efficient frameworks have also been evolved to store abundant data and use it whenever needed. But the storage of abundant data has led to data explosion. Therefore, the storage alone does not bring in benefits. It’s the processing that matters.

Since abundant data is available, the team can use several tools and algorithms to develop the desired results for the organization.

For example, if a particular organization decides to host a survey to collect user feedback about a particular product, a large amount of data will be collected and stored. This large amount of data can be processed and analyzed using different techniques provided by data science. Using this technique, meaningful conclusions can be generated, and the organization can improve the product.

To master the art, a data science course in Cape Town is extremely beneficial as you can get hands-on experience that is essential for your career.

Essential Skills to Acquire for the Role of Data Scientist:

The field is boundless with a wide range of concepts and principles. This field consists of numerous applications as it is the future of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Therefore, there is a huge need for skilled data scientists and professionals who are aware of the importance of this field.

Given below are some skills to be mastered to excel in this field.

  • Master your Basics: As beginners, it is extremely important to learn the basics. Without basic knowledge about the field, practical implementation would be difficult.
  • Sharpen your Programming Skills: Programming is yet another important skill to acquire to apply the different techniques effectively. R and Python are the most popular languages used in data science.
  • Statistical Skills: To derive meaningful insights from raw data and to build models, statistics is important. Basic knowledge of concepts like mean, median, mode, variance, normal distribution, etc., is mandatory.

In addition to the above-mentioned skills, there are many other domains to master to become a skilled data scientist. However, it is not mandatory to master all the domains. One should be an expert in at least one of the domains.

Source by Shalini M