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27 Nov

Benefits to Expect From Study in India & Study Abroad

India has been making rapid strides in the education sector since independence. It is well-known all over the world for nourishing the best possible talent in the field of medicines, physics, chemistry, engineering, economics, astronomy and many more. Boasting the largest education system in the world, India is abode to more than 400 universities, 16,000 colleges and 13 institutes of national significance. There are also lots of other vocational institutes that impart a variety of job-oriented courses. Some of the universities in India are now on a par with best universities from the UK, USA, Australia or Canada.

India is turning out to be an attractive destination for students from all over the world due to its fast growing economy, infrastructure and industrial scenario. Various Indian universities and colleges have witnessed an upsurge in the number of domestic as well as foreign students for their myriad of courses. Before embarking on your journey to study in India, overseas students should collect valuable information on their desired courses, universities or colleges offering them, and the application procedure from the Internet or other reliable sources. In addition, it is advisable to gather information on the cost of living, climatic conditions, accommodation facilities and food habits of the city in which you’re going to build your career.

Apart from numerous educational institutes and huge number of courses, the study in India offers many other advantages to students inside and outside the country. Firstly, the cost of education in India is much lower in comparison to other prominent countries in the world. As it is a vast country, the quality of education is not same everywhere. But, there is still adequate number institutes and universities in India that impart world-class education and improve the country’s image on the global front. These include Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), National Law Schools, Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Annamalai University, Anna University and many more. There are also many private deemed universities established in different regions of the country. Amity University, VIT University, Symbiosis International and Sikkim Manipal University are some of them.

The options to study in India get wider with the presence of some open universities that offer all genres of courses by means of open, correspondence and distance learning mode. Though the country has so much to offer on the education front, many students are still willing to study abroad as it is said to be a lifetime experience with golden opportunities to learn foreign languages, traditions, cultures and lifestyle. As globalization is the buzzword now, studying in a foreign country can give your career a distinct edge. Countries like the USA, UK, Australia, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong and South Africa have opened the doors to millions of foreign students by liberalizing the visa requirements and previously stringent immigration rules. Indian students form the bulk of these students as you can imagine from the number of applications lying in various foreign embassies of the country.

Whether you want to study in India or study abroad, the opportunities are aplenty with high quality education, state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced faculties and above all, intermingling of different cultures. So, you can truly build yourself as a global citizen.

Source by Pankaj Kumar Singh

20 Feb

Stress – Simple Tips To Reduce Stress Quickly & Easily

We all know the word stress and most of us know when we are being stressed, but do you know the symptoms that show you are over stressed?

If you do, and can spot them early and there are some exercises and techniques explained below that can let you beat them before you need medication.

The Stress Symptoms

Almost always when you are being stressed, you will notice a tightening of your muscles, usually in the hands and arms, sometimes the legs and feet.

Your blood pressure will rise, and your skin temperature will as well. These are normal responses from your natural “fight or flight” reflex.

If you are a bit observant and watch yourself carefully, you can identify these stress responses by your body.

Short-Term Stress is Good. Long-Term Stress is Deadly

If the above stress responses occur because you are in some sort of danger, and you have to protect yourself (by fighting or fleeing), then the stress is good. However they must be controlled.

A good example is being in a long line at the airport, with a nasty airline employee greeting you after your turn finally comes. The employee can stress you to very high limits, and you need all your self-control.

You will see your stress symptoms appearing.

Your quick reaction is needed. You must assert yourself, and get the employee to do their job, and quickly, and politely.

Your fighting will be by mental means, and verbal delivery. This short-term stress was a good thing.

Your body’s reactions were healthy for you, and all your natural anti-oxidants raced throughout your body to clear up any free radicals that were present.

However, if you suffer the above symptoms from an aggressive boss or co-worker at work on a daily basis, you are heading for real trouble.

Daily stress will:

o Weaken your immune system.

o Cause various organs to malfunction or fail.

o Produce undesired chemicals (hormones and enzymes) in your system.

Eventually you will become ill if you subject yourself to a daily stress that has the ability to produce stressor-reactions.

De-Stress! And Beat Stress

If you understand that your stress is becoming chronic, you must begin to de-stress at the sign of the first symptoms.

It’s easy; anyone can do it, anywhere. Follow these steps exactly, you will de-stress at once.

o Initial deep breathing. Stop a moment, whatever you are doing, and take three deep and profound breaths. Close your eyes and visualize the air racing into your lungs with healing energy, and racing out of your lungs with stress-filled spent energy.

o Withdraw! Wherever you are, there will be a restroom. Go there at once. Wash your face and especially your wrists with cold water. Feel the cold water bringing you balance (from the overheating the stress causes). Your skin temperature will actually drop! While you are alone, deep breathe as in the next step

o Take three more deep breathes, but this time, double the inhalation response and the exhalation response. This is done by taking a double breathe, one short, followed by a longer breath. The exhalation is the same, double. At the end of three deep double breathes, you will be back to normal.

o The last step is to wait. Feeling calmer, sit down (a toilet is an ideal place) and wait about 3 minutes. Feel yourself getting back to normal.

You are ready to face the world again, de-stressed. Remember, do these exercises each time you feel a prolonged stress, as the short stress is good for you, but long term stress is a killer. Look after yourself!

Source by Sacha Tarkovsky