Tag: <span>ACT</span>

18 May

ACT Exam: 3 Tips to Getting Your Best Score

Every parent and student that comes to me for advice on the ACT exam wants to know the same question; what are the easiest things I can do to quickly raise my ACT score? The question doesn’t come from laziness at all, but rather frustration. So many students put in long hours studying and don’t seem to get results.

Why Student’s Have Trouble Increasing Their ACT Score

The biggest problem that students face when trying to increase their ACT score is that they are doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. A focused plan makes all the difference. Otherwise, you may just be spinning your wheels and wasting time and energy.

You need to learn to quickly answer questions, manage the clock and know what to study.

Learn to Quickly Answer Questions

Simply retaking practice tests to “become a better test taker” isn’t going to do much more than get you comfortable with taking tests. That helps some, but not an enormous amount. There are specific test-taking skills that have to be learned, such guessing, saving time answering questions, how to read the Reading / Science passages and more.

Time Management is Key for the ACT Exam

Every student struggles to get all the questions answered in the time allotted. There are two time-management skills that help tremendously, and they do not merely include “go as fast as you can.” As a matter of fact, some students make the mistake of thinking that the “easy” questions are first, so they just hurry through them, costing valuable points.

Know What To Study for the ACT Exam

Knowing what NOT to study can be just as important as knowing what TO study to get a high score on the ACT exam. For instance, studying Trigonometry is not a good use of your time unless you are hoping to score above a 32. Memorizing the periodic table for the Science portion is also a big waste of time.

The key to a good score on the ACT exam is to be strategic and have a well thought out plan, dealing specifically with your strengths and weaknesses. This normally requires a study course that is designed to teach you “how” to take the test, as opposed to teaching you more of the same curriculum that is on the test.

Source by Mike Bius

20 Oct

5 Tips To Keep You Motivated For Your ACT Test Prep

The ACT test is one of the most significant standardized tests that high school students have to take. It is the key that will have them gaining admission to the colleges of their choice. If they achieve a high score, it can even qualify them for scholarship programs. It is therefore imperative for these students to study well for the ACT.

How do you muster the motivation to adhere to your ACT test prep? With so many things going on in your life as a high school student, how do you maintain your drive to study for the ACT and obtain a high score? Here are some tips to help you keep your motivation for your ACT test prep:

  • Set a definite schedule for your test prep. Establish a study schedule for your ACT and make sure to stick to it. To guarantee effectuality, have a fixed daily schedule. It doesn’t have to be in large chunks of time such as 1 or 2 hours a day, but make it staggered into 10 or 15 minute sessions throughout the day.
  • Arrange a study space that is free from distractions. There ought to be no hindrances as you study in your desk. Remove whatever portable devices when you start on your test prep. If you are studying online, block sites that may distract you.
  • Ask a study buddy to join you. A fellow ACT test taker or classmate can join you as you study for your exam. This way, you’ll incite both of your enthusiasm. You can challenge each other’s knowledge by quizzing and asking questions. With the help of a study buddy, you can keep your motivation and retain more information for the ACT test.
  • Always be prepared. Do you have everything that you need for your test prep in your desk? These items can be supplies such as your notebook, paper and pencils. The purpose of this is to prevent you from pausing or getting distracted to scamper for them, especially when you have gained momentum in your studying already.
  • Set achievable goals. You should set particular goals in place so that you don’t diverge from your study routine. For instance, you can set a goal for the day which is to get acquainted with certain mathematical formulas and to eventually master them.

You’ll want to achieve the best score possible for your ACT test. Arrange an effective and efficient test prep for the said exam a few months before your scheduled test date. You wouldn’t want to start late on this endeavor because it is one of the major causes of getting a low ACT score. With these tips to keep you motivated for your ACT test prep, you become a test prep ninja who can confidently ace your exam and obtain high quality education in the college of your choice.

Source by Winnie Custodio

22 Jul

5 Best ACT Study Tips According to the 3 Guiding Principles Of Test Prepping

One of your most crucial undertaking as a high school student is taking the ACT test. It can be rigorous, especially if you go in on it unprepared. To get a high ACT score, you have to adhere to an effective test prep program for at least 3 months. There are several options for an ACT test prep that truly works. So how do you choose the best path that can bring you smart and effectual ACT study tips?

3 Primary Guiding Principles Of Test Prepping

Studying effectively for the ACT test needs you to abide by 3 guiding principles, and they are the following:

  • Individualize and personalize your study plan. No two test-takers are exactly alike which means that there is no one-size-fits-all study plan for students. Choose a study plan or a combination of them that will address your needs as an individual. You know yourself better than anyone else, so you should devise a study program that will work best for you. For instance, you can stick to 2-hour long study sessions if you have the stamina, or you might be comfortable with studying in 30-minute increments. Make sure that your ACT study plan is flexible.
  • Start early on your ACT test prep program. You should provide yourself with sufficient time to study for your test. Rendering 3 months for your review may be enough, but if you want to get a higher score, you may have to increase it to 6 months. From the beginning, you should learn how to pay attention to your ACT test prep plan and the time it involves for it to become successful.
  • Optimize your study plan. That means you have to do something regardless of the time that is at your disposal to allocate for your ACT test prep. It’s your best option, and it’s much better than doing nothing. What if you don’t have 6 or 3 months to prepare for the ACT? Don’t lose hope or panic, but instead optimize the time that is available to you. If you have several hours to go, you can spend four of them to take practice tests. Even if you only have 15 minutes a day to study, go for it! You’re bound to learn something at any rate. Remember that a little preparation beats no preparation at all.

5 Valuable ACT Test Prep Tips

  • Read as much information as you can about the ACT. Learn about the format and structure of the test and what its implications are in your college goals. Familiarize yourself with it, which in turn will make you more comfortable of your upcoming undertaking. It’ll make you more relaxed and confident about taking the ACT test.
  • Take ample amounts of ACT practice tests. Do your best as you take your first practice test so that you’ll obtain reliable knowledge about your score and your capability. See to it that you are taking an official ACT practice test so that you’ll gain a more realistic experience and result. Follow the instructions carefully and adhere to the designated time limit for each section.
  • Obtain your score from your practice tests. Analyze your wrong answers and decipher why you missed them. This should help you discover your weak areas. Refer to the answer explanations that go with your practice tests and learn from them. If you’re struggling with this particular task, ask for help from a teacher, tutor or mentor or a test prep buddy.
  • Work on a reasonable goal. Now you know what your knowledge and skill levels are pertaining to the ACT test. At this point, you should gauge how much improvement you’re up to work for. You may have to stretch your efforts a bit, but ensure that you’re setting a viable goal. If you scored lower than 20 in your practice test, it may be too much to expect yourself to get a 30’s number. Otherwise, if you garnered a score that is mid to high 20’s, it is possible to aim for a 30-something score. The improvements that you want to achieve depend on how committed you are to your ACT test prep.
  • Decide on what tools you are going to utilize for your test prep. The resources that you ought to use should be of good quality and are official ACT test prep materials. If you want to do self-study, look for credible and updated websites, apps or books. You might also want to enroll in an online ACT test prep program which is known to be a happy medium. Other than working on your own, you can receive external guidance at the same time. Consider if you are interested in joining a group course where you can exchange ideas with your peers and instructor. Or if you think that individual tutoring will work well for you, then go for it.

These are 5 of the most effective ACT study tips that can assist you in your test prep so that you can pass with flying colors and achieve your post-secondary education and career goals.

Source by Winnie Custodio

10 Jul

5 Practical Steps To Improve Your ACT Science Score

There are two particular skills that you need to cultivate so that you can improve your ACT science score. Mainly, they are your 1) Reasoning skills, and 2) Analytical skills. You should be proficient when it comes to identifying data that are presented in graphs, tables and maps and in interpreting questions logically. If you are keen enough, you will find that most of the problems in the ACT Science test actually provide more information than what is necessary so that you can respond to the test items properly.

Contrary to what many students believe, your knowledge of Science branches such as Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science and Physics will not be tested directly in the Science section of the ACT. Not that you have to be well-versed with every Scientific concept that has been tackled in your high school classes as well. What you have to prioritize in order to improve your Science score are your abilities to reason accurately and solve certain problems using Scientific methods.

Your skills in Scientific reading comprehension will be challenged in the test. You need to be meticulous in analyzing and drawing conclusions from graphs, charts, tables and experimental processes. But you don’t have to fret because the passages in the Science test contain all the information that you need. Here are some tips to help you boost your score in the ACT Science test:

Helpful Tips To Boost Your ACT Science Score

  • Familiarize yourself with the types of questions and passages found in the test. There are 3 types of passages that are featured in the ACT Science test: 1) Conflicting Viewpoints (7 questions); 2) Research Summaries (6 questions), and 3) Data Representation (5 questions). These passages may be presented in a different order, but usually, test -takers are bound to encounter 3 five question sections, along with 3 six question sections and a single section that is comprised of 7 questions in the test.
  • Keep your calm when taking the test. Don’t worry so much if you haven’t brushed up on each and every Science concept taught in your school. You actually don’t need to memorize them in the ACT Science test. Remember to primarily hone your abilities in interpreting and analyzing Scientific problems, and you’ll do fine.
  • Learn proper time management. Note that you have to deal with 7 passages and 40 questions in the Science section in 35 minutes. Time element is thus your biggest hurdle. It also means that you have to be quick in answering the questions if you want to finish the section on time. Be systematic and refrain from lingering on a certain passage. Be quick in your reading by extracting the main points and analyzing figures. Take note of the difficult questions and leave them for the time being as you answer the easier ones. Get back to these tricky items when you have remaining time.
  • Cultivate your test-taking skills by taking practice tests. A reliable way of improving your ACT Science test score is to take real Science tests and solve real Science problems. Just like the actual ACT test scenario, time yourself when taking ACT Science practice tests. At the end of this task, analyze your erroneous answers and decipher why you got them wrong.
  • Ask for the help of a tutor, mentor or your fellow test-takers. You can self-study for the Science section of the ACT test, but getting help from someone who has more authority on the subject or your peers can make a big difference for you to improve your ACT Science score.

Source by Winnie Custodio