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Physical Geography in Diagrams | UPSC & Other Competitive Exams | First Edition | By PearsonPhysical geography in diagrams that was first published in 1965, authored by R.B. Bunnett has been now adapted as per the Indian curriculum requirements. This annotated version retains all the distinctive features of the original edition to help not only the students but also the faculties to teach the subject. The core objective of this title is to explain geographical principles and concepts through illustrations and engage students into the learning process of the physical aspects of geography through line diagrams, 3D/2D artworks, field‐based photographs and locations of features marked on satellite imageries as it is.Mastering Essay & Answer Writing for UPSC Civil Services IAS/ IPS & State PSC Main ExamMastering essay & answer writing for UPSC Civil Services IAS/ IPS & state PSC main exam is authored by a former IRS Officer and a Bestselling author. The book contains the decades of experience of Civil Services with the expertise of the author. It prepares you to write best answers and essays in the IAS/PCs Mains Examination. The book explains the purpose of the essay Paper and elucidates the methodologies to write essays on any topic. It explains the structure of the essay for all six types of essays with a special Chapter dedicated exclusively for philosophical topics. It expounds the techniques of brainstorming and mind-mapping to prepare the readers for spontaneous essay writing on any topic. The best practices of essay writing explained in the book helps you fetch additional marks in examination. The book investigates the common mistakes and provides their step-by-step resolution. In addition, the books provide dozens of Model essays to learn and practice. It provides a large number of quotations, anecdotes, stories, poems and studies that can make your essay stand apart. The answers to the 4 General Studies Papers are very critical to score high in the main exam. The book provides a lot of tips, ideas & suggestions to achieve that perfectness required for a best answer.