
Price: ₹952.00
(as of – Details)
Can you multiply 4721 by 3908 and get the answer in a single line?
Can you find the cube root of 262144 or 704969 in just 2 seconds?
Can you find a person’s birth-date without him telling you?
Can you find out how much money a person has without him telling you?
Can you solve squares, square roots, Algebra, and Geometry questions in a jiffy?!
If the answer is no, this Calculation Tricks Book is for you!
This Calculation Tricks Book will improve the calculation speed of all the students by at least two times by practicing and understanding observation-based tricks explained in the book.
A useful book for School students across the globe (Grade VI to Grade Xii) and a must-have for students appearing for competitive exams like GMAT, GRE, CSAT, SSC, UPSC, MBA, MCA. After going through the book, solving arithmetic problems of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square, square root, cube, cube root, and algebraic problems on the division, factorization, solving equations, would be fun.
Publisher : Independently Published (8 March 2021)
Language : English
Paperback : 172 pages
ISBN-13 : 979-8718623994
Item Weight : 259 g
Dimensions : 15.24 x 1.09 x 22.86 cm
Country of Origin : USA