Price: ₹296.00
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Python Tutorial
Features of Python
Python Setup guide and installation
Python Keywords
Python Operators
Python Comments
Python if statement
Python elif
Python for loop
Python while loop
Python List
Python Tuple Methods
Python Dictionary
Python Function
Python File Handling
C# Sharp Exercises: Display three letters in reverse order
C# Sharp program to check two given integers
C# Sharp program to check a given positive number
Calculate the perimeter
C# Sharp Conditional Statement
C program to Check whether a number is even or odd
Check a number is positive or negative
C# Sharp program to accept the height of a person
Find the addition of two integer numbers
Program to swap two numbers
Program to demonstrate example of simple if else statement
Example of multiple if else statement
C# program of conditional operator
C# program example of switch statement
C# program to find largest of two numbers
Print numbers from 1 to 15 using while loop
Print numbers from 1 to 15 using do while loop
Program to find out the prime numbers among 2 to 30
Find the largest of three numbers
Check whether a triangle can be formed
Calculate profit and loss
Input day number and display its equivalent day name
Language : English
File size : 1683 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Not Enabled