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(as of – Details)
Introduction to Javascript
Javascript: Hello world program
Javascript: Variables
Javascript: Statements
Javascript: comments
JavaScript: Types
Javascript: operators
Javascript: Arithmetic Operators
Javascript: Increment/decrement: ++, — operators
Javascript: Bitwise operators
JavaScript: Logical operators
JavaScript: Assignment operators
JavaScript: Compound Assignment operator
Javascript: Ternary operator
JavaScript: Working with boolean values
JavaScript: Decision Making: if, if-then
Javascript: if-else-if-else ladder
JavaScript: Decision making using switch statement
JavaScript: loops
JavaScript: do-while loop
JavaScript: for loop
JavaScript: break statement
JavaScript: continue statement
JavaScript: break in label form
JavaScript: for in loop
JavaScript: for-of loop
JavaScript: get the type of variable
JavaScript: Working with strings
JavaScript: Nested functions
JavaScript: Array
JavaScript: Introduction to Classes
JavaScript: Define class using class expressions
PYTHON String – Exercises
Python: Reverse a string
Remove a newline in Python
Find the common values
Python Data Type: List – Exercises
Python: Sum all the items in a list
Get the largest number from a list
Remove duplicates from a list
Python Data Types: Dictionary – Exercises
Add a key to a dictionary
Iterate over dictionaries using for loops
Merge two Python dictionaries
Multiply all the items in a dictionary
Remove a key from a dictionary
Get a dictionary from an object’s fields
Combine two dictionary adding values for common keys
Find the highest 3 values
Display current date and time
Print the calendar
Computes the value of n+nn+nnn
Calculate number of days
volume of a sphere in Python
Compute the area of Triangle
Compute the GCD
Convert feet and inches to centimeters
Convert time – seconds
Convert seconds to day
Program to solve
Future value of amount
Check whether a file exists
Convert the distance
Sum all the items
Multiplies all the items
Get the largest number
Get the smallest number
Remove duplicates
Clone or copy a list
Difference between the two lists
Generate all permutations
Find the second smallest
Get unique values
Get the frequency of the elements
Generate all sublists
Find common items
Create a list
ASIN : B09CB1L964
Language : English
File size : 628 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Unlimited
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Not Enabled
Print length : 144 pages