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Dr. David Moffet is aninternational expert in dentalpractice management.With over 32 years of dental experience, he hasdeveloped a simple, practical, and incrediblyeffective way of increasing the number of patientsyou see… the amount of money you charge…and the percentage of large case revenues yourpatients will happily accept. In some cases,Moffets strategy has resulted in over $100,000 inadditional cash flow in just weeks.All you need is a decent team and his secretweapon, The Ultimate Patient ExperienceTM.The UPE is a unique, low-cost system of uniquepatient engagement that is incredibly easy to putin place. In fact, one of Moffets strategies costsless than $40 to implement, and you can have itup and running by the end of business, today.The Ultimate Patient Experience has allowed Dr.Moffet to: Sell his dental practice for a cool $2.75million – for which he collected 80% incash, 20% in stock… Consistently increase his prices (10.55%per year, on average) while retaining over90% of his patients… And DOUBLE his cold phone conversion rates,using a strategy that will take you less than10 minutes to set up…Inside these pages, youll discover exactly howDr. Moffet accomplished each of these things, and how you can, too.For decades now, I have recommendedMichael Gerbers E-Myth Revisited as thego-to entrepreneurial guide. After readingDavid Moffets How To Build The DentalPractice of Your Dreams (Without KillingYourself!) in Less Than 60 Days, I now saythat same thing to any and all dentists. DavidMoffet walks his talk and has not only builta thriving and successful dental practicebut a life of wonder and enrichment as well.Anyone aspiring to build both a thrivingdental practice and life, READ this book. Ithas all the secrets to such success!Jack DalyCEO, JackDaly.netDont just read this book. Use this book. Dr.Moffet provides you the playbook, revealinghow to build a successful seven-figurepractice while working four days a week for37 weeks.Shep HykenCustomer Service Expert andNew York Times bestselling Author ofThe Amazement RevolutionDavid has a natural passion for patientawareness and service. This book outlinesthe understanding of why you need tofocus on world-class service to fast trackthe success of your profession. The bookwill inspire you, motivate you, and keep youloving the world of dentistry, not dreading it.Kathy MetaxasDirector, Consultant, International Speaker, andProfessional MotivatorThis book not only teaches how to createthe ultimate patient experience, it is agame plan on how to become a businesscustomers cannot live without. Moffet didexactly that and now shares how you cantoo. Everyone in your organization needs toread this book.John R. DiJulius IIIAuthor of The Customer Service RevolutionDavid Moffet encourages his readers to letno one ever come to you without leavingbetter and happier. His premise is simple:the secret to success is not a secret
workhard, shift your thinking, and add real valueto peoples lives.Dr. Ronald F. Arndt, DDS, MBA, MAGDMaster & Board Certified CoachTHE DENTAL COACHThe best dentists and practices alwayswant to be better. David Moffet can give youthe tools to continue building your dreampractice year after year while enjoying morefreedom to enjoy your other life.Linda MilesFounder, Linda Miles & Associates;Founder, Speaking Consulting Network;Cofounder, Oral Cancer Cause (a 5013c)A practical guide based on decades ofexperience. Dr. Moffets advice is clear,accessible, and applicable, and the book isfun to read. Whether youre just starting yourpractice or youre looking for that next stageof growth, this book will help.Dr. Howard Farran, DDS, MBAInternational Lecturer and Publisher/Founder ofDentaltown Magazine
Publisher : Advantage Media Group; 1st edition (23 April 2015)
Language : English
Hardcover : 147 pages
ISBN-10 : 1599325217
ISBN-13 : 978-1599325217
Item Weight : 363 g
Dimensions : 15.24 x 1.12 x 22.86 cm
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