General Knowledge MCQs – Vol I: UPSC, State PSCs, SBI & IBPS (PO/Clerk), NDA/CDS, SSC CGL, RBI Assistant, SSC (CGL & 10+2), Railways and various other competitive exams



General Knowledge MCQs – Vol I: UPSC, State PSCs, SBI & IBPS (PO/Clerk), NDA/CDS, SSC CGL, RBI Assistant, SSC (CGL & 10+2), Railways and various other competitive exams

Price: ₹272.50
(as of Mar 16, 2025 22:12:08 UTC – Details)

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We have incorporated many a unique questions in our books with an intention to develop the habit of logic and reasoning in pupils. Pupils are encouraged to develop and grow more in circumstantial knowledge rather than just sticking to the questions and answers given in this book. For example, if the question is about the currency of Israel, then the pupil should go beyond that and find currencies of other nations too. We believe that this is the only key to success in General Knowledge exams.