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Current Affairs MCQs for Prelims 2020 | Second EditionCurrent Affairs is the most important aspect of the Civil Services Examination as well as all other competitive examinations. In order to strengthen understanding of the same and offer practice, this book brings 1000 Current Affairs MCQs for Prelims 2020. The book also contains a list of backward linkages (explained inside) of last 2 years, subject wise, to enhance the learners’ ability to score better in the Preliminary examination.key highlights: 1000 high-quality questions framed from newspapers in the form of 10 papers with 100 questions each questions in tune with the latest UPSC Civil Services standard and pattern of examination focus on questions that are application based in nature, testing learners’ understanding of different disciplines only book that gives an exhaustive understanding of the concept of backward linkages and a compilation of a list of important topics from the last 2 years backward linkages for History & culture, Geography, environment & ecology, economics & social development, Polity and Constitution, Science & technology are covered to enable a student to gain edge over their competitors special Paper of 100 questions on current Affairs and backward linkages of February and March including questions from budget 2020 and economic Survey 2020 to be available online</br>.Geography Question Bank For Civil Services Preliminary Examination | Second Edition<Br>the Question Bank is carefully designed to offer extensive practice in the area of geography. Each question is designed keeping the inter-disciplinary nature of the paper in mind. Questions are drawn from static concepts and collated with current happenings in India and the world. This has been done so as to be able to form complex questions that test the application of core concepts. To help students develop the correct thought process, all answers have detailed explanations with them. This is done to help students arrive at the correct response and also help them link explanation backwards with the static concepts. All the chapters contain an OMR sheet to provide exam-like interface to students and help them practice the set topic wise. Salient features: More than 1400 high quality Questions framed as per the examination pattern. Addition of 2019 UPSC Preliminary Examination questions with explanation. Micro division of each Chapter. Chapter wise questions, answer keys and justifications. Detailed explanation with each solution with backward linkage to basic concepts. Every Chapter as well as the previous years’ papers contain an OMR sheet at the end for practice.Art and Culture Question Bank For Civil Services Preliminary Examination | Second EditionThe Art and Culture question Bank, second edition is carefully designed to offer extensive practice in the core UPSC subject. Each question is designed keeping the inter-disciplinary nature of the paper in mind. Questions are drawn from static concepts and collated with current happenings in India and the world to be able to form a complex question that test the application of core concepts.<Br>all the solutions are accompanied by explanations that provide a backward linkage path that guides the thought process of the students to be able to arrive at the correct answer. All the sets also contain an OMR sheet to provide the exam-like interface to students and help them practice the set topic wise.salient features: high quality Questions framed as per the examination pattern answers shifted to the end of each set of questions an OMR sheet added at the end of each set of questions to provide exam like interface 35-40% questions changed including adding of solutions to 2019 Prelim Paper all questions contain detailed answers explanations with relevant value addition for the examination all questions are application based in nature testing learner’s integrated understanding of different disciplines as tested by the said examination each question also serves as an important piece of information that gets automatically retained while answering the questions topic wise Question categories for easy revision questions in tune with latest UPSC Civil Services Preliminary exam – 2018 in terms of the standard, integrated pattern and level of difficulty</br>.