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Accountancy Class 12 (14th Edition 2021) (PART-A: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisations and Partnership Firms PART-B: Company Accounts PART-C: Computer Accounting)
₹520.00 Buy From Amazon -
Accountancy For Class 12 (Part-A) Accounting For Not-For-Profit Organisations And Partnership Firms (Vol – I) Examination 2020-2021
₹360.00 Buy From Amazon -
Accountancy Part-I (Not for Profit Organisations and Partnership Firms) Class- XII-Prepared for STATE BOARDS following NCERT Syllabus and Textbook
₹466.00 Buy From Amazon -
T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping – CBSE XII (Vol. 2: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisations and Companies): Textbook for CBSE Class XII
₹445.00 Buy From Amazon