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Advanced Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow 2: Build effective real-world NLP applications using NER, RNNs, seq2seq models, Transformers, and more
₹938.69 Buy From Amazon -
Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference
₹4,912.95 Buy From Amazon -
Database Systems: Models, Languages, Design and Application Programming
₹1,799.00 Buy From Amazon -
Minorities in the Chemical Workforce: Diversity Models That Work, A Workshop Report to the Chemical Sciences Roundtable
₹24,072.00 Buy From Amazon -
Models of Neural Networks: Temporal Aspects of Coding and Information Processing in Biological Systems (Physics of Neural Networks)
₹1,885.00 Buy From Amazon -
Neural Networks: Computational Models and Applications: 53 (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
₹8,615.00 Buy From Amazon -
Optimization Models
₹1,122.44 Buy From Amazon -
Ordinary Differential Equations: Applications, Models, and Computing (Textbooks in Mathematics)
₹822.00 Buy From Amazon -
Pragmatic Machine Learning With Python: Learn How To Deploy Machine Learning Models In Production (English Edition)
₹764.00 Buy From Amazon