Showing 1–16 of 63 results
A Textbook of Artificial Intelligence For Class 10 Subject Code 417
₹100.00 Buy From Amazon -
A Textbook of Artificial Intelligence for Class 8
₹340.00 Buy From Amazon -
Advances in Computational Intelligence: 16th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2021, Virtual Event, June 16–18, 2021, … Notes in Computer Science Book 12861)
₹7,016.70 Buy From Amazon -
Advances in Computational Intelligence: 16th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2021, Virtual Event, June 16–18, 2021, … Notes in Computer Science Book 12862)
₹3,644.20 Buy From Amazon -
AI – Artificial Intelligence Basics For School Students (Class IX) : As per the latest CBSE curriculum (Code No. 417)
₹379.05 Buy From Amazon -
AI – Artificial Intelligence Basics For School Students (Class IX): As per the latest CBSE curriculum (Code No. 417)
₹544.00 Buy From Amazon -
AI BASICS FOR SCHOOL STUDENTS : As per the CBSE Inspire Module for Artificial Intelligence
₹282.56 Buy From Amazon -
Artificial Intelligence
₹796.00 Buy From Amazon -
Artificial Intelligence – Text Book for Class 8 (As per CBSE Inspire Module)
₹340.00 Buy From Amazon -
Artificial Intelligence – आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजन्स
₹309.00 Buy From Amazon -
Artificial Intelligence | Third Edition | By Pearson: A Modern Approach
₹796.00 Buy From Amazon -
Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
₹869.25 Buy From Amazon -
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Power: 5 Battlegrounds
₹139.00 Buy From Amazon -
Artificial Intelligence Class 9
₹544.00 Buy From Amazon -
Artificial Intelligence Class 9 2020-21 latest edition (KIPS) CBSE
₹220.00 Buy From Amazon -
Artificial Intelligence Systems Based on Hybrid Neural Networks: Theory and Applications: 904 (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
₹6,765.00 Buy From Amazon