Higher Education
Showing 609–624 of 1599 results
Deep Learning: A Visual Approach
₹2,182.95 Buy From Amazon -
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
₹707.00 Buy From Amazon -
Design and Analysis of Algorithms, B.E/B.Tech IV-Semester (R-17) (Anna University) Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) & IT, Latest 2020 Edition
₹250.00 Buy From Amazon -
Design and Analysis of Algorithms: A Contemporary Perspective
₹362.40 Buy From Amazon -
Design and Analysis of Algorithms: A Contemporary Perspective
₹799.00 Buy From Amazon -
Design and Analysis of Algorithms: A Simple Approach
₹395.00 Buy From Amazon -
Design Methods for Reactive Systems: Yourdon, Statemate, and the UML (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Software Engineering and Programming)
₹1,167.00 Buy From Amazon -
Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design, 2e
₹1,850.00 Buy From Amazon -
Design Patterns for Cloud Native Applications: Patterns in Practice Using APIs, Data, Events, and Streams (Grayscale Indian Edition)
₹1,800.00 Buy From Amazon -
Design Patterns for High-Quality Automated Tests: High-Quality Test Attributes and Best Practices
₹449.00 Buy From Amazon -
Design Patterns in .NET Core 3: Reusable Approaches in C# and F# for Object-Oriented Software Design
₹12,052.60 Buy From Amazon -
Design Patterns in Ruby (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)
₹1,662.50 Buy From Amazon -
Designing Applications With Spring Boot 2.2 And React Js: Step-By-Step Guide To Design And Develop Intuitive Full Stack Web Applications
₹843.00 Buy From Amazon -
Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
₹1,850.00 Buy From Amazon